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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. One rumble of thunder when the first batch of rain passed through around 6am. Looking forward to our dying line squall line later.
  2. Nice blast of wind woke me up when the squall came through earlier. 0.3" OTG.
  3. Officially spring down here. Daffodils blooming in the neighbors yard. Crocus blooming in my yard and heard the Spring Peepers for the first time tonight.
  4. My 0.10" brings my total up to 11" on the season also.
  5. About a tenth of an inch earlier this morning. Should be gone by 9am.
  6. Sleet started right around 3pm. Mix of snow and sleet now. Down to 36 degrees.
  7. Colder at KGON (39) now than here or at your place in Brooklyn. SW wind at 14mph at GON. Still light ENE @ 4mph here.
  8. Winds are dead calm currently under the nipple. No rain and calm. Temps are finally starting to drop after a couple of bumps up like you mentioned.
  9. It's definitely brightened a bit in the past 30 minutes.
  10. Not brightbanding down here. It's actual heavy f00king rain.
  11. Looking forward to 2-4" down here. of rain that is.
  12. Huh...I was 13, don't remember that one at all though.
  13. Once again I am enjoying my 39 degree rain. Had 1/2" of snow and sleet when I checked at 12:30am. Rain and roaring wind ever since.
  14. 36/30 and pingers for the past 20+ minutes or so.
  15. 5.3" from this morning already melted and compacted down to 3" or less. If we get full sun tomorrow that might kill it all except for some piles.
  16. 5.3" Final. @The 4 Seasons Up to 35 and drizzle now. Melting off the trees already. Gonna be but a memory by Thursday PM.
  17. A little over 5" here in Salem, CT. Nice light to moderate snow coming down again after stopping for an hour or so earlier.
  18. 1.0" from 11am until 3:30ish. Another tenth since 6pm. 1.10" on the day. Gonna be gone tomorrow.
  19. Nice inch of snow. Still coming down lightly. Looked beautiful when out walking the doggo earlier.
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