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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. 2.2" moderate snow. Cleared the wife's car and driveway. Back steps were already white again when I finished that 10 minute clearing job. Maybe we'll hit 4" here.
  2. 2.2" moderate snow. Cleared the wife's car and driveway. Back steps were already white again when I finished that 10 minute clearing job. Maybe we'll hit 4" here.
  3. Some of you people "all you f'n do is bitch and moan about every single negative snow/cold/potential comment." I thought you were blocking everyone who doesn't post ACATT?
  4. Yep, same down here. Just had our first house creaking gust.
  5. @The 4 Seasons 3" final here in Salem, CT. About 2" before the dry slot came in around 1am last night. Another inch during the day today, really hard to accumulate today.
  6. NWS with a WSW out for "Portions of southern Connecticut, northeast New Jersey and southeast New York." 5-8" fits with my thinking unless we get the NAMMY.
  7. If anyone wants to go fishing, I've got night crawlers like crazy out in the yard right now. December 27th. 47/46 imby.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone! So nice today even the frogs were out!
  9. Heaviest rain of the storm so far. Not much wind with the line here, however.
  10. Tree down in the yard (heard it come down at 3:30am). Tree down and across the road just up the street. Still have power for now as our power comes from the opposite direction that the tree is across the road. We'll see if we still have power after the meso crossing eastern LI comes through here.
  11. Already HWW down here. Should be fun times tomorrow AM.
  12. Yeah, agreed, definitely under that map. But my road has power outages with 25mph breezy run o' the mill t-storms.
  13. Guess I'll be gassing up the generator tomorrow. 80mph gusts IMBY
  14. lol....now this is the funniest post all year.
  15. Ginxy's number seems reasonable given CoCoRah's data... Haven't gone out to check mine...but I'd guess somewhere around 4 inches...
  16. Pouring rain. Just had one of those house creaking gusts, otherwise just regular breezy rain.
  17. 4.76" IMBY. Testing sump pump instead of generator today.
  18. Damage from the Grinch storm last year: Lot's of other examples from that storm too.
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