The latest Australian BoM model just came out, predicting a super El Niño by August. This, taken with the current record high sea surface temperatures, is likely to drive record high global temps during the second half 2023. Interestingly, the Atlantic is still running high. If we get a pocket of favoribility over the Atlantic during August or September, we may still observe some decent Atlantic canes. But obviously, if we do so in fact experience a super El Niño, that window of activity should remain small. If systems get in the right place at the right time, SSTs should be favorable for an intense hurricane or two in the Atlantic. But I don't think the Atlantic hurricane season is going to be the main weather news unfolding if indeed a super El Niño unfolds. Global SSTs are far above mean even in comparison to the last 40 years. We could see some extreme regional weather events such as hyper drought and floods. At any rate, here we are....