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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. DCA: +2.5 NYC: +1.7 BOS: +0.7 ORD: +0.3 ATL: +2.4 IAH: +1.4 DEN: +0.5 PHX: +0.3 SEA: -1.7
  2. I have 1 (ONE) 90 degree day in the month of October since I've kept records in 1980, a 90.1 on 10/9/2007.
  3. Storm is moving out, I am over the top on the CoCoRaHS gauge, est 1.10" at this time in about 35 minutes.
  4. Absolutely feast or famine! I have one heck of a thunderstorm ongoing, 0.85 in 15 minutes, pea sized hail and a 43 mph gust. So in 15 minutes I get 3 times the amount that fell rest of Sept......
  5. Well, I shattered a record yesterday, high of 89.4 beat 1998's old mark of 85 by 4+ degrees. WHERE IS FALL!?!?!?! Oh, and looks like I will go in the books with 2nd driest September ever with 0.27, only 1985's 0.06 is worse and it'll slide right in front of now 3rd place's 0.41 from 1983. 2010 would have been #1 with only 0.02 falling until almost 4 inches fell in last 4 days...no such luck this year.
  6. Played the split game here in last hour. Line of showers rolled thru, on cameras roads wet 4 miles east and west of me. Here? Well, I counted about 10-20 drops on the deck. Did have some nice (27 mph) gusts to blow the leaves around though.
  7. Seeing a lot more reds yesterday and today around here to go with the yellowish tinged brown from the trees stressed to the max from the dryness. Not sure how they managed to make color but I'll take it! Least in my yard, I'd estimate 40-50% of leaves are off the trees already from falling early/heat/dryness/stress. I've been on leaf detail since Labor Day! On the plus side (for the animals) it is a BANNER year for acorns and other tree nuts, I got up a couple trillion when I cleaned the yard Tuesday.
  8. Gonna do my best to help make it to page 2 for mattie g.......hoping the supposed rain on models does materialize, we need every drop! I figured we were headed for a warm Sept a month ago, but not a +3 to +5 type thing and definitely NOT this dry.
  9. Least the clouds are holding us right around 80 here, just south and east (Roanoke, Lynchburg and C'ville) already pushing 90 this afternoon! Pass! Hang on clouds lol.
  10. BWI: 11/13 IAD: 10/16 DCA: 11/13 RIC: 10/26 Tiebreaker: 7.56
  11. Hey! Water! From the sky! Wasn't home, but sometime between 5 and 7 pm enough fell to wet things down, and giant 0.01 in the CoCoRaHS gauge at 7 am lol. First measurable in 9 days.
  12. They almost ARE here now, least in my yard, crazy! I've been leaf raking/mowing for last 3 weeks. On a brighter note, I am now officially inside the 'first freeze' time of year (1983) and days are getting shorter. Average first freeze is around 14th of October and has been as late as first week of Nov!
  13. 1985 is the gold standard around my area for driest Sept. I recorded 0.06 that month. All the CO-Op's within 40 miles of me were 0.13 or less. That was also an interesting month period. Started hot as Hades, with low 90's, then we dropped in middle of month to have 4 consecutive frosts from 15-19th with temps in mid 30's! Ended the month a -0.5 from average. BTW I am currently at 0.18 for the month so 1985 is safe.
  14. 44.6 for a low this am, finally feels like the correct season!
  15. Was fine until first week of August when the spigot from above cut off. Late April to mid May is a pretty normal grass seeding time around here.
  16. I've lost about half of what I planted back in May due to the dryness.......oh well, try again next year.
  17. By the end of Sept we could see flames on the ground.....
  18. Well, hit 92.2 here yesterday....just 1.8 off the 94 record from 1983.....sheesh!!! On plus side, had a quick but strong (41 mph gust) storm roll thru after 5 pm that dropped 0.18 in about 10 minutes. First measurable since 8/29!
  19. 53.3 here with a bit of fog, windows and doors opened wide!
  20. Low was 57.2 here, got a few sprinkles little after 9 pm last night, love the look of past 24 hours radar/rainfall totals, reminds me of LE orographic lift in winter
  21. We always hooked ours into the soffit under the eaves on the back of the house, near a window so we could watch. About 20 foot off the ground, no problems from animals, but bees LOVED them. They drained one in about 2 hours one day, you couldn't see the container from the mass of bees on it.
  22. August numbers for my location- Averaged high was 83.7 degrees vs a normal or 83.9 degrees, a -0.2 degree difference. Warmest day was 91.5 degrees on the 19th. Averaged low was 60.2 degrees vs a normal of 60.4 degrees, a -0.2 degree difference. Coolest temp recorded was 50.5 degrees on the 30th. Overall averaged temp for month was 71.9 degrees vs a normal of 72.2 degrees, a -0.3 below average. Total rainfall for the month was 1.92 inches vs a normal of 3.21 inches, a -1.29 below average. Wettest day was on the 24th with 0.62 inches falling. There were 10 days with measurable, 5 days with a 'T' and 16 dry days. Highest wind recorded for the month was 31 mph on the 8th. One new record, a 'cool max' of 69.6 degrees on the 25th. A cool front and back with a very warm and dry middle. We hit 90.0 degrees or higher on 4 consecutive days (19, 20, 21, 22) which hasn't happened here since 5 days in a row were recorded back in Aug 2010 (10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
  23. LATE!!! DCA: +1.8 NYC: +1.1 BOS: +0.2 ORD: -0.8 ATL: +1.4 IAH: +0.9 DEN: +1.1 PHX: +1.4 SEA: +2.2
  24. ^^^This^^^, the 1/2 to 2 inches of rain falling in 30 minutes IS moisture, just 75-90% runs right off into gutters, curbs and creeks! That said, I'd take those 30 minutes after past week, where it thunders for an hour each afternoon then the deck barely gets wet.........
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