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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. I vaguely remember a late storm down in NC mountains but I'd have to go record searching.
  2. May 7th 1989 in western VA and WV, from a trace to 2.5 inches reported.
  3. If we stay in this type of a pattern, it likely will!!
  4. It's been a long time since I've seen/heard rain and snow showers specifically mentioned in our TWC forecast in May........
  5. Well, the rain has stopped, just windy, damp and 46.3 degrees now. I'll have to take a look at records to see if I am in line for a 'cool max' temp. High was the 7 am reading of 49.8, been falling since. EDIT- well if it doesn't go up then I will, but barely. Current 'cool max' was set in 2016 at 50.2 degrees, that broke 2003's 52.0. We shall see......
  6. Thanks Mrs J! I want to see this too!
  7. I wonder if they have 'leafed out' there. The peaks here 3500 and up are still pretty bare....
  8. upper 40's and rain, SLIGHT change from the previous 2 days......
  9. In grabbing a bite to eat, been power washing on the house this morning and should finish up in about 2/3 more hours. Absolutely beautiful day out there, 65 and full sun. THIS is a spring day.
  10. NWS just added snow showers at 2pm update for Friday night forecast here above 2500 foot.......lol!
  11. That is still a long way from record breaking for me back here 'in the hills'. May 23rd is last freeze and I had back to back 33's on May31st/June 1st 1984.
  12. UGH! I have a lot of decking, back deck is weirdly shaped 6x12 angling out to 12x22 with a set of steps off the side (deck is 10 foot above ground level). Then the front covered deck is 6x12 with a staircase and side is 8x12 with another set of stairs! When I power wash/stain that it is a month adventure lol! I had to take a 2nd look at the avatar, thought I had something on the screen. Good deal on going composite on the deck boards, I likely will once I get to the point of needing to replace.
  13. My numbers for the month of April, 2020 Averaged high was 61.7 degrees vs a normal of 66.5 degrees, a -4.8 below normal and the 4th coldest on record. The warmest day was the 8th with a 75.3 degree reading. Averaged low was 37.5 degrees vs a normal of 38.4 degrees, a -0.9 degrees below normal. The coolest reading was 28.8 degrees on the 20th. Overall average temp was 49.6 degrees vs a normal of 52.5 degrees, a -2.9 degrees below normal and 4th coolest behind 1997's 47.9, 1987's 49.1 and 2018's 49.2 degree averages. Total rainfall for the month was 7.04 inches vs a normal of 3.30, a + 3.74 above average and falls into 2nd wettest April recorded, with only 2011's 7.12 inches beating it. Wettest day was the last (30th) with 2.19 inches falling. There were 21 days with measurable, 2 days with a 'T' and 7 dry days. Total snowfall for month was 0.2 inches vs a normal of 0.3 inches, a -0.1 below the normal. Biggest (and only measurable) was on the 11th with 0.2 inches. There was one day with measurable, 4 with a 'T' and 25 with no snow. Highest wind recorded for the month was 44 mph on the 22nd. A record filled month, besides the above mentioned 4th coolest average high, the 4th overall averaged temp and the 2nd wettest April ever, the 2.19 inches of rain set a daily (30th) record, a new daily rainfall record set on 13th with 1.84 inches, the 0.2 inches of snow on the 11th set a record, as I had never recorded snowfall on that date since keeping records. 2 of the 'T' for snowfall were actually hail falling on consecutive days (8th and 9th), first time I'd ever recorded back to back hail days. Although not a kept record, I recorded 20 days with winds above 25 mph, and two of those topped 40 mph. Overall a cool, wet and windy April! Records kept since October 1979.
  14. I worked on doing the house yesterday, probably finish up Monday. And yes, I stayed away from the electrical stuff LTA6!
  15. Super thanks Mrs. J!!!
  16. I have not heard of these 'Iowa Brownies', or maybe they are called something else here? What are they? (course Iowa and brownies and cattle bring other images up too lol!)
  17. Yep, when he is 'put up on the block' again next year we can point directly back to this thread......
  18. That looks yummy (sorry H20)!!! I'll take a nice slab and a glass of milk please!!
  19. DCA: -1.1 NYC: -1.3 BOS: -1.6 ORD: -1.9 ATL: +0.8 IAH: +1.2 PHX: +2.1 DEN: +2.3 SEA: +0.4
  20. Just an awesome 'pinwheel' on the IN/OH border..... https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/sector_band.php?sat=G16&sector=cgl&band=01&length=12
  21. Shattered the daily rainfall record here, 2.19 in gauge this am. Old mark was 0.77 from 1996. Also, looks like 2020 will slide into 2nd place for total rainfall with 7.04 inches. 2011 holds top spot with 7.12 inches.
  22. On vacation this week. Right now I WAS supposed to be in the air heading to Vegas to meet son and then pick up the rental car and head for Death Valley, Joshua Tree and Sequoia NP's for 10 days...... oh well, maybe next year. A staycation it has became and I'll work on the yard and house.
  23. Watched my resident deer herd roll back thru this morning, grazing on the greens on the forest floor and low trees as they passed. Seven this morning, last night just before dark watched nine do the same heading back up the hill.
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