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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. 24.4 after a 23.9 low here, frosty
  2. OH! 45 for Frostburg! I am reading that right, right?
  3. I can see the top of the ridge in front of the house, +-2800 and it is hazy up there. Checking Homestead camera looks like a mangled flake is falling once in a while at 2500, meanwhile all snow on top at the airport for last couple hours at 3700 foot. Rain has let up a lot here, but temps still falling, 37.7/36.5 currently. I sit at about 1300 foot elevation.
  4. I think this has already been mark off the bingo card
  5. Although only in the 5-10 range on the models, me neither lol
  6. The only complaint I have is you didn't put in a Star Trek emblem
  7. LOL, we didn't even make it to the first flakes and the forum has 'sided up'.....
  8. When anyone from northern VA makes that statement it is scary.... BTW, 39 and heavy rain here.
  9. Do you REALLY want to see a 2020 version of anything??
  10. Is the answer the same as the Soup Nazi's?
  11. Another mark off on the sheet...
  12. I thought that was some of those straighticous linebous clouds that form at times....
  13. I am part of this subforum.... I have even met several that post in here, at least twice.
  14. Yes, that is what I call the 'back way' in. Coming from the east up from Cass. Last time I was thru there in the Monte they were working on 66, cutting back the rocks on those two sharp turns.
  15. It is perfect for this year, leave it! lol About the same here, btw, 1/2 inch at the house, LESS in town.
  16. Clear skies and down to 33.2 with a 26.1 DP. Nice radiational cooling last 2 hours.
  17. Hmmm.... lol 1.05 total here and winds back to their usual gusty selves, 39.4/33.0 and cloudy, winds WNW 10 gusting 24 mph.
  18. Appears an excellent year is in store for all....lol!
  19. I'd like to place an order for p27 please....
  20. Numbers for November 2020 Total rainfall was 3.46 inches vs a normal of 3.18 inches, a +0.28 above normal. The wettest day was the 12th with 1.86 inches falling. There were 19 dry days, 10 with measurable and one with a "T". Only two days with a "T" of snow vs a normal of 0.6 inches. The averaged high was 60.4 degrees vs a normal of 57.0 degrees, a + 3.4 degrees above average. The warmest day was the 9th with a 73.0 degree reading. The averaged low was 35.5 degrees vs a normal of 31.7 degrees, a +3.8 degrees above average. The coldest was on the 29th with a 25.5 degree reading. Overall averaged temp was 47.9 degrees vs a normal of 44.3 degrees, a + 3.6 degrees above average. The highest wind recorded was 41 mph on the 2nd. A warm and almost normal on precip month.
  21. Nice 'wintery' day here, flurries almost all day with strong winds and temp never topped 34 degrees. Currently still have some flurries blowing by in the breeze, 28.4 degrees DP 19.5 degrees and winds WNW at 19 G 29 mph, making wind chill run between 12 and 15 degrees.
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