My numbers for the month of November 2023.
Averaged high was 55.4 degrees vs a normal of 55.4 degrees, a spot on 0.0 difference. The warmest temp recorded was 73.4 degrees on the 8th. Averaged low was 29.5 degrees vs a normal of 31.0 degrees, -1.5 below average. The coldest temp recorded was 13.3 degrees on the 29th. Overall averaged temp was 42.4 degrees vs a normal of 43.2 degrees, -0.8 degrees below average. Total rainfall for the month was 2.39 inches vs a normal of 2.78 inches, -0.39 below average. There were 7 days with measurable, 4 days with a 'T' and 19 dry days. The wettest day was the 22nd with 1.79 inches falling, or 75% of the entire month's rainfall. There was only a 'T' of snowfall vs a normal of 0.3 inches, -0.3 inches below normal. The greatest snowfall was on 4 days, all with a 'T', the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th. The highest wind recorded was 36 mph on the 29th. There were several records for the month. The 1.79 inches of rainfall was a new daily record on the 22nd. New record lows were set on the 2nd and 3rd, and a new record 'cool max' was set on the 2nd. Although a fairly 'average' month on paper, a very cold start and finish to the month with a warm and dry middle.