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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. Going the Texas route. Wife has family near Kileen and not far off the centerline. Will get two stones with one bird lol
  2. New record 'warm minimum' for the day. Low was 45.5 degrees, old mark was 35.8 degrees from 2020. 10 degree increase....sheesh. Currently 46.6/44.1 with light rain and fog at 8 am.
  3. Just had a gusty shower roll thru in last 40 minutes or so, even heard a rumble of thunder!?!
  4. He'd have to be in northern Michigan to have a chance at the current rate of the 'base state'
  5. Like I said almost 2 weeks ago, y'all are so welcome. You should be measuring in feet between the 22nd and Mar 6th as I'll be in CA..... You can even name them the 'notwxdude storms' or 'wxdude not here storms' if you wish.
  6. 40.8 this morning, woodstove is getting a break for the next few days.
  7. I was on my mower yesterday and day before, but just hauling stuff off mostly. (limbs/leaves/general mess) Oh, and I cut a bit of firewood too.
  8. 22.9 here for a low. This last week with clear skies and 20's for lows and sunny and around 50 for highs is perfect for maple sap and it is running pretty hard. I have trees oozing without even being tapped lol. Don't forget the Highland County Maple festival is a little over a month away!
  9. About as nice a winter day as you can ask for to work outside yesterday. Low 50's, sunny, very light breeze, perfect! 25.2/21.0 here this morning with same clear skies.
  10. My numbers for the month of Jan 2024 Averaged high was 41.4 degrees vs a normal of 42.0 degrees, a -0.6 below average. Warmest day was the 27th with a 68.6 degree reading. Averaged low was 23.9 degrees vs a normal of 22.4 degrees, a +1.5 degrees above average. The coldest temp was 4.9 degrees on the 17th. Overall averaged temp was 32.6 degrees vs a normal of 32.2 degrees, a +0.4 above average. Total precip for the month was 5.83 inches vs a normal of 2.94 inches, a +2.89 inches above average, and slides into 3rd wettest Jan behind 1998's 6.45 and 1996's 6.11, but in front of 1995's 5.53 inches. (Boy, I forgot how wet the mid to late 90's January's were). The wettest day was the 10th with 2.29 inches falling. There were 15 days with measurable, 7 days with a 'T' and 9 dry days. Total snowfall for the month was 5.5 inches vs a normal of 5.8 inches, -0.3 inches below average. The greatest snowfall was on the 16th with 3.1 inches falling. There were 6 days with measurable, 11 days with a 'T', and 14 days with no snow. There were 10 days with measurable snow on the ground. Highest wind recorded was 40 mph on the 14th. There were 4 new records for the month. The 2.29 inches on the 10th set a new daily rainfall. There were two new 'warm minimum's (26 and 27) and a new record high on 27th. Overall a tale of two seasons for the month, average to slightly above beginning and end with a very chilly and wintery middle smashed in between. Very windy for the month as I had 17 days with winds above 25 mph. Records go back to Oct 1979.
  11. Oh, and don't y'all worry one teeny tiny bit about the coming snow. I'll be traveling out to CA and back the 23rd- Mar 6th. I'm SURE 3 ft of snow will fall during that period. Least I have a neighbor that keeps my weather checked and cat fed while I am gone lol.
  12. LOL, I went to bed at 2 am with clear skies and 32 degrees, woke up at 7 am and it is 45 degrees and cloudy with a gusty W wind....sheesh.
  13. DCA: -0.2 NYC: +0.6 BOS: +0.8 ORD: +1.2 ATL: -0.9 IAH: -0.3 DEN: +0.6 PHX: -1.1 SEA: +0.5
  14. I (along with probably 75% of the posters) have the set lol.
  15. 1.36 for the day, 5.70 now for the month. JUST missed another 'warm minimum' record, low was 39.1, record 40 from 1991.
  16. I'm further west and south, so missed some of the craziness, but this is what I got those couple of weeks
  17. Record high and 'warm minimum', high was 68.6, beating 2012 and 1981's 62 degrees. Low was 40.2 beating 2012's 36.8 degree reading. 42.3/39.0 under partly cloudy skies at 10 am.
  18. Well, this won't come to pass, down to 48.9 degrees at 8:50 pm. DID set a new record high, 68.6 degrees, old was 62 degrees from both 1981 and 2012.
  19. Digging thru the record books, I see 4, yes 4 only times I've had a +50 low in January. Jan 15, 1995 (54 degrees), Jan 5, 2004 (55.7 degrees), Jan 5,2005 (53.6 degrees), and Jan 12,2020 at 51.2 degrees. Today will make another as low at 7 am was 50.7 degrees (borrowing a miracle). My records go back to Oct 1979.
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