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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. Was just coming to post that 20 years ago on this day I picked up 1.7 inches. So, not much of a surprise. I've had measurable all the way out to 4/19 or so here.
  2. Ditto. We will be there rain or shine (well minus about 4 minutes).
  3. Sure hope the wind blows at some point today...sheesh. Easily to almost 50 mph for the last hour in gusts with a STEADY 25-30.
  4. Cool and dreary day here today. A bit of sun early let us hit a 46.8 high before noon, then rain pushed in and dropped us back into low 40's. Rain just ended about 15 minutes ago, looks like 0.25 or so in gauge. Currently 41.9/38.8 with a ENE wind at 4 mph at 7:20 pm.
  5. In upper 30's this morning under cloudy skies, 10-12 degrees warmer than last few mornings.
  6. Wow. Thing just crumpled apart. Hoping and praying for all those on the bridge. Traffic (both boat and car/truck) will be heavily affected for quite some time.
  7. Wife and I went up to KHSP airport, just got back. We saw nothing as far as northern lights. The moon is EXTRA EXTRA bright tonight! We did find the comet and saw the ISS pass over. And watched the wind turbines off to the west come into vision (well, at least the lights of) from 40+ miles away over near Duo WV.
  8. Chilly, but not quite impressive (well, maybe if you only consider last 3-5 years lol). My average for today is 58.5/30.1 with a record low of 16.8 from 2004. Three times I've been in teens on this date, with records only back to 1979.
  9. Was 25.2 at 7 am CoCoRaHS reading, now down to 24.6/19.7 under mostly clear skies. Amazing how well we do wind, gusty from N to NW most of day yesterday until around midnight.
  10. 0.84" here at 7 am CoCoRaHS reading. Currently in mid 40's with a light NNE breeze. Man about 12-15 degrees cooler would have been nice.... Hopefully all this went straight up into the valley to help with the fires.
  11. Light rain falling here and 47.5/43.9 currently. Wetness from the sky started shortly before dark.
  12. THIS ^^ this or snowshoeing thru deep stuff is what I like to do nowadays.
  13. As someone that HASN'T been on skis for 20 years I agree with you both. HATED the 'mushy' of late spring (or a rapid warm up in winter to cause those conditions) but also never liked ice. Therefore, I no long ski lol. Just too few 'good/great' days around here even back then. Likely my WORST day ever was at the Homestead in mid Jan with 31/32 and light freezing rain. Think everyone on the slopes would have been better off with a pair of ice skates on.
  14. It is called kite season for a reason... On a side note, least I saw flurries last night and this morning. lol
  15. Yep. I've given up skiing years ago. However, I still LOVE cold and snow. Snowshoeing, snowmobiling and just general outside hiking are things I like to do now. I managed to get my deeper snow 'fix' being in Park City couple weeks ago.
  16. Currently 36/32.2 out there. Hit 70 degrees on the money yesterday. I seem to remember a slightly different outcome from 31 years ago....
  17. As a participant in eastern TN for the 2017 event, this!
  18. Are you talking about sitting down, enjoying a gourmet meal.... at a place that's REAL special??
  19. A chilly start at 27.6 degrees here, least the wind is only blowing at 2 mph from WSW. Had a 37 mph gust around noon yesterday, then slowly they died back during afternoon to a more reasonable 10-25 range. I don't keep wind 'records', (I only report/record when winds go above 25 mph, I feel that is a threshold that most people start feeling uncomfortable with), but I have to question "the least windiest winter" thing.
  20. But we do it so EXTRA, EXTRA well.
  21. Winds still roaring here this morning. Just had a 35 mph gust about 5 minutes ago from NW. Highest wind recorded was 47 mph around 11 pm last night. Lots of 40+ mph gusts yesterday late afternoon thru midnight.
  22. On and off flurries here most of afternoon. Gusty and blustery are the words to describe today.
  23. Just glanced at gauge, looks like .37 or .38 from this far away since 7 am.
  24. Well, two really long rumbles of thunder in last couple minutes at 42 degrees....gotta love March.
  25. Yep, rain and 42.5 here, colder than 7am CoCoRaHS reporting time.
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