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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. So, for some reason I managed to put pics in Sept thread, lets try again lol. Was up at Hot Springs airport (KSHP) about 4000 foot elevation. Amazing up there!
  2. VERY late, but my numbers for Sept 2024 Averaged high was 76.0 degrees vs a normal of 76.9 degrees, -0.9 degrees below average. The warmest day was the 23rd with an 85.8 degree reading. Averaged low was 54.5 degrees vs a normal of 53.7 degrees, a +0.8 degrees above average. The coldest day was the 9th with a 39.5 degree reading. Overall averaged temp was 65.2 degrees vs a normal of 65.3 degrees, a -0.1 degree below average. Total rain for the month was 8.50 inches vs a normal of 3.55 inches, a +5.15 inches above average and 3rd wettest Sept I've recorded, falling behind 2018's 9.56 inches and 2004's 9.42 inches. Wettest day was the 28th with 2.72 inches falling. There were 14 days with measurable, 4 days with a 'T' and 12 dry days. highest wind recorded was 40 mph on the 27th. Plenty of new records for the month. Start with 2 new rainfall records, the 2.72 inches on 28th and the 2.55 inches on the 26th are records. Two new 'warm minimums' on the 24th and 27th. Three new record lows, all in a row on the 9th, 10th and 11th. Month started warm and dry, turned cool in the middle, then back to warm and quite wet towards the end. Records back to Oct 1979.
  3. Down to 37.4 here this morning, seeing a few temps near freezing on CO-OP's in area. I feel like I returned the weather with me lol. Was in SD, WY and UT for a couple weeks, most mornings were like this, near freezing in the mornings and in 60's/70's during day, EXCEPT for those two dreadful days in Rapid City (Rushmore and Crazy Horse) when temps soared into mid and upper 90's!!
  4. Heading out of town for a couple weeks, here are my picks for October. DCA: -0.6 NYC: +0.4 BOS: +1.1 ORD: -0.9 ATL: -1.2 IAH: -0.2 DEN: -0.6 PHX: +1.8 SEA: -0.3
  5. Set a new 'warm minimum' this morning with 63.8 degrees, old mark was 63.0 from 2009.
  6. Only 0.02 here from a thundershower around 3 pm, BIG stuff went E and S of me around 7-10 pm last night. Could see the lightning off in the distance. What I do have is FOG, for like the 4th morning in a row now. Currently 58.9/58.2 at 8 am.
  7. Fogged in again this morning.....
  8. Had a decent thunderstorm roll thru late yesterday afternoon, after about an hour or so of hearing distant thunder, now up to about an inch and a third since rains have returned. Definitely helping the new grass come in Currently 60.6/59.2 and foggy here at 8 am.
  9. ALMOST a new record 'warm minimum' set, low was 62.1, record is 63 from 1991. So far a total of 0.85 has fallen since rains have returned, would like more, but least things are damp instead of extra crispy.
  10. So, been raining since, at times actually at a moderate rate. About 1/3 inch since 7 am! YAY!
  11. Well I'll be! Actual liquid falling from the sky! lol Only 0.08 in gauge, but first measured precip since 9/2. Currently light rain is falling and 62.0/61.3 here.
  12. Outstanding day to work outside. 73.2 for a high under cloudy skies with a threatening look to them, although nothing fell. Got the yard plugged and overseeded, heading into the 'forest' to do it tomorrow.
  13. Yep, same here. Was a 'toasty' 58.8 this morning with cloudy skies, been in 30's (upper) and 40's for about a week. Sitting at 0.29 for the month, but all of that fell on the 1st and 2nd.
  14. Made a whirlwind tour thru the area past 40 hours. Went up into VERY lower SE PA with wife visit an older person from her past (91). Then we went to both Delaware's and Maryland's Capital buildings today before heading home. Made a decision to miss DC rush-hour (left Annapolis at 4:30pm) and took 301 S into VA. MD got me with that toll, last time I remembered crossing that bridge back in late 90's it wasn't (and it was and older bridge!). 2nd toll I'll pay in 30 years minus the couple times on WV turnpike when I've been lazy. Least that one you just stop and toss a few dollars to the worker. Illinois got me for a 3/4 mile tolled stretch of 80/90 back a few years ago. Maryland's building was quite the mess on the outside, lol. Beautiful on the inside.
  15. 56.2/44.1 at 11 am, we have a long way to go to get to that forecasted 79 high today. Been a spectacular morning for getting things done outside!
  16. 39.5 for the low here, new record low for the date, beating 1988's 41. No frost as I have a very light N to NNW wind at 2-3 mph that helped hold temp up a bit. So out to uncover everything here in a few. Looking around, coldest temps I saw a 7 am- 35 at Judy Gap, WV 34 at Deerfield, VA 33 at Bittinger, MD 32 at Bayard, WV 31 at Rimel, WV Bowden, WV 30 at Mill Gap, VA Davis, WV 20 At Canaan Valley NWR! Looks almost like an inversion overnight, the lower in the valleys the chillier you got.
  17. Just in case it was missed-they've upped the ante a bit. URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 610 PM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024 VAZ503-504-WVZ505-506-090615- /O.UPG.KLWX.FR.Y.0006.240909T0600Z-240909T1300Z/ /O.NEW.KLWX.FZ.W.0003.240909T0600Z-240909T1300Z/ Western Highland-Eastern Highland-Western Pendleton-Eastern Pendleton- Including the cities of Riverton, Hightown, Brandywine, Franklin, Sugar Grove, Oak Flat, Monterey, and Ruddle 610 PM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 9 AM EDT MONDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...In Virginia, Eastern Highland and Western Highland Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Pendleton and Western Pendleton Counties. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 9 AM EDT Monday.
  18. Update, we just covered the garden lol. Still a good bit of stuff out there. Pulled 80% of the 'maters, most were starting to turn anyway. Already 55.2/34.0 and dropping fast at 8 pm.
  19. Well, frost advisories up for MY county now. THAT is a bit early. Just pulled wife's plumeria and hibiscus off the deck and into the garage for the night. 36 is the point and click temp for in the morning.
  20. Just missed record from 1988 (40) with a 40.8 low here. Seeing plenty of mid/upper 30's in the frost adv area, even one in my county.
  21. Not by a lot, it's happened a few times in early/mid Sept in the past 40 years out that way.
  22. Frost advisories up for mountains. Highland VA, Pocahontas, Pendleton, Randolph and Webster in WV
  23. Well, had sprinkles and drizzle for about 30 minutes, not even enough to get things properly wet. Front is thru, winds have swung to NW at 6 mph and barometer is starting to rise. A much warmer morning here at 55 degrees earlier. Currently 63.8/53.7 with a NW wind at 6 mph under cloudy skies. @katabatic with leaves down the danger goes up a bunch when it is dry. I noticed a lot of color last weekend in Greenbrier and Pocahontas counties last week when I was there, more than I expected to see.
  24. 4 mornings in a row in the 40's in early September? I'll take and like! Currently 56.6/52.8 as the last of the morning fog is burning off at 10 am.
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