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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. Answer my own question, Dec of '22 they got 0.1. You have to go back to 2018 for an actual snow.
  2. They've named a storm that has barely formed yet??
  3. *would be 100% for Jan 1987 as a repeat for 2025*
  4. Moving this here- Amazing what a little prodding will do, they 'sorta' changed from 3.0 to 5.7 as of today. that is a lot closer to what others in the area reported.
  5. Come on down!
  6. Into the teens at 8 pm, currently 18.4/10.5 at 8:20 pm. DP is dropping pretty fast.
  7. High was 26.1, now down to 22.9/14.0 at 4:50 pm. Will be nowhere near a record cold max (thanks 2014) of 15.2.
  8. Roanoke about to be ingested by the 'claw' or jaws, your choice, and aimed at DC. Amazing how 90% of model snow maps manage to have a similar image.
  9. Currently 25.8/15.1 at 2:45 and is the high so far. Started at 18.0 this morning. In and out of clouds, saw a few flurries between 10 and 11 am.
  10. LOL, looks like NWS Blacksburg's radar beam going just to my east in a storm.
  11. LOL, walked ON TOP of the snow to do the CoCoRaHS report this morning, which I had to chisel through to get the SWE. Had light freezing rain/drizzle and sleet yesterday morning which froze solid once temps started dropping in afternoon. This stuff will be around a while, currently 5 inches on the ground, 18.3/11.0.
  12. 11/22: 0.2 01/04: 0.4 01/06: 7.2 01/07: 0.2 Total: 8.0
  13. We sorta have that same issue here. The CO-OP is the city water filter location, and they are ALWAYS low on snow totals. Today is a classic case, they reported a 3.0. Out of the 7-10 reports sent in within a 15 mile radius of them, they were 2 inches lower than the next lowest measurement. I have 'ratted' them out before, went up and took a pic of their location with snow on the ground (granted, maybe only 1-1.5 inches, I'd reported 1.8 for the day) and sent it in to NWS Blacksburg after they had reported a 0.0. That seemed to help, they were closer for a number of years to other reports, but they may need a reminder again lol. If you look at a snowfall map for VA you can actually see Covington clearly in the contours. 24-36 all around and they are like 8-10. There are years where they report NO snow, 0.0 reported for winters of 95/96 and 96/97!! Only 40.0 reported for 09/10 when others around were in the 60-70 range. Frustrating. *rant off, lol*
  14. 11/22: 0.2 01/04: 0.4 01/06: 7.2 Total 7.8
  15. OK, so 3.2 inches of 97% sleet was on board at 7am, so 7.2 inches snow/sleet. That is a new record for the date, shattering 1996's 2.3 inches. Total precip is 1.51 inches (0.43 from 1am pull and another 1.08 with sleet overnight), that too is a new record, beating 2008's 0.36 inches. 6.0 inches OTG with the sleet beat down of the snow, should be a lovely concrete mess later once temps drop this evening lol.
  16. I pulled the gauge before bed last night 1 amish, had 4 inches on the ground and snow was almost like graupel, knew it about to flip sleet. That melted down to 0.43 liquid, so close to a 10-1 ratio. Headed out to measure and flip gauges again for 7 am CoCoRaHS, just eyeballing I'd say 3-4 inches of sleet has fallen and 6 or 7 inches of 'white stuff' (still mostly sleet, but a tiny bit of ice is on objects) is out there. I'll be back. Oh, it warmed up overnight, currently 29.6/28.5.
  17. 90% of us do that, I'll admit I do!
  18. Yes, there is a HUGE block on Blacksburg's radar to the north, going thru Botetrout, eastern Alleghany and Bath counties. When a W to E light rain or snow event happens you can watch the echo's go thru, disappear, then reappear lol
  19. Heading into a dry slot, snow has really cut back in last 10 minutes and radar looks dry from the direction all this has come from. So, a break here for a bit, will be interesting to see what falls once radar fills back in. Still chilly at 25.3/23.7. another 1/2 on the board and 3.5 OTG
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