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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. I agree with you on that, it is what it is. Just glad that they did a 'repair'.
  2. This December will be the EXACT opposite of 1917..............
  3. Pffffttttt....those are chilly. Blacksburg currently running a +13.3, Roanoke a +11.3. This is crazy. Think at end of month we went backwards one to Sept instead of forward to Nov. Least my wood supply should last at this rate, still haven't built first fire in stove yet this fall.
  4. Ended up with 19.5 here for that winter, but 12.6 of that fell in Dec, just a couple little one's and two's after Jan 1.
  5. WinterWxLuvr created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat!
  6. On your 'totals' map you see a small white dot in my county in western VA. This is Covington's CO-OP located at the filtration water plant, which keeps horrendous records and always has for past 40-50 years. It can snow and they report nothing, or half of what others get. I'll use your map as prove. Here are their numbers compared to other CO-OP's and CoCoRaHS reports in a 30 mile area. Theirs- 2/3-2/4 4.5", 2/6-2/7 4.5" total for month 11.2. Other sites with same dates 5.2/11.0/25.9, 4.7/11.2/30.2, 4.0/9.7/18.0, 6.0/11.1/22.8, 5.0/9.0/19.1. Now which of those are off? If you pull up ANY snow map for past 40-50 years there is a big hole in the middle of my county to accommodate this data. Some of the biggest snows in my area don't even get recorded into their records, Jan of 87 being a good example, snow total for the month a zero.
  7. Even if it is 1/8-1/4 inch an hour rates.
  8. 96 was awesome and as said was a great 2'+ for many, many people. 2nd I'd have to go with the double barreled 87 storms.
  9. I'm not sure 100% but I think Co-Ops report like CoCoRaHS, reporting at 7 am for previous 24 hour period?
  10. Just a good 'ol fashioned snowstorm http://www.erh.noaa.gov/rnk/events/2009/Dec_18_19th_Snowstorm/summary.php
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