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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. LOL, I like your thinking. Sure, let us have another early Jan 96 redo!
  2. Show of hands....who HASN'T been above 90.0 degrees so far this year? I can make that claim. Hottest day so far this year was yesterday's 88.5. They are calling for low 90's Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If that happens it will be first time since the heat wave of July 24-28, 2016. Here are the days since 1/1/2016 I have been at 90.0 or higher. 90.2 6/12/16 93 (1983) 90.0 6/17/16 93 (1983) 93.3 7/24/16 99 (1999) 93.2 7/25/16 97.7 (2010) 92.8 7/26/16 98.1 (2010) 92.0 7/27/16 96 (1982) 90.1 7/28/16 98 (1993) 90.6 8/14/16 97 (1995) 90.3 9/09/16 95.8 (2007) 90.5 9/10/16 92 (1983) ---------------- 90.2 7/13/17 96.6 (2011) 90.3 7/20/17 96 (1986) 91.0 7/21/17 97 (1983) 92.2 7/23/17 98.4 (2011) ------------------ 90.0 6/20/18 94 (1994) 91.2 7/04/18 95 (1999) 90.0 7/05/18 97 (1999) Edited to include record highs for the dates
  3. 0.57 yesterday, sitting at 3.23 for the month.
  4. It is even more impressive in Feb!!
  5. Happy B-day! Hope you have an awesome day!
  6. Yes, if you want to get some relief from the winter weather and have a few spare days, a trip to FL to watch your team play and enjoy a couple warm days isn't a bad deal. I can't remember last time I saw stands half full at a Panthers home game, and that includes the opposing teams fans that are already doing this.
  7. Numbers for my location June 2019- Averaged high was 78.1 degrees vs a normal of 81.5 degrees, a - 3.4 degrees below normal. Highest temp for the month was 88.2 degrees on the 29th. Averaged low for the month was 57.1 degrees vs a normal of 57.3 degrees, a -0.2 degrees below normal. Lowest temp for the month was 43.9 degrees on the 4th. Overall averaged temp for the month was 67.6 degrees vs a normal of 69.4 degrees, a -1.8 degrees below normal and 3rd coolest June reading, with only 1992 and 2003 being cooler. Total rainfall for the month was 3.17 inches vs a normal of 3.64 inches, a -0.47 below normal. The wettest day was on the 8th with 0.71 inches falling, that is also a new daily record. There were 16 days with measurable, 4 days with a 'T' and 10 dry days during the month. Highest wind recorded was 34 mph on the 22nd. New records during the month include the above mentioned rainfall on 8th, and new daily 'cool maxes' on the 8th and 9th.
  8. 60.5 here now, low was 59.9
  9. DCA: +1.6 NYC: +1.3 BOS: +1.1 ORD: -0.2 ATL: +0.8 IAH: +0.6 DEN: -0.7 PHX: +0.7 SEA: +1.7
  10. I posted a whopping 0.03 from a stalled out storm just west of me yesterday evening. Did have some nice inflow gusts though. 4 miles west in town (Covington) all the underpasses had 3-5 foot of water in them and water was running everywhere, with 1-2 foot of water in yards! I'd estimate 3 inches fell in about 45 minutes.
  11. I lost a good bit of straw back in spring when I grew grass again. And yesterday I came home to my strawberry patch munched almost to the ground......
  12. So instead of the old acting saying 'go break a leg' it is now baseball's 'go bust a nose'?
  13. 0.46 here, MUCH more just slightly west, like 1-1.5 inches. Take what we can get this time of year.
  14. Only one word for that U G L Y
  15. Back this way, I am currently -3.1 for the month. The 4 closest CO-ops within 25 miles are -3.5, -2.8, -4.1, -2.3.
  16. Yep, 0.01 here. Meanwhile Roanoke got back to back rockers.
  17. I'm likely doing the Dakota's next year, so enjoying all these helpful hints
  18. Logan? Man? Welch? Iaeger?
  19. Just keep your eyes out for the occasional Ferrari
  20. 49.8/48.9 here this am. Running a -3.1 so far for the month.
  21. Well, where he is in Breck, that is. Denver and Grand Junction can be completely different animals.
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