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Go Kart Mozart

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Everything posted by Go Kart Mozart

  1. We're gonna need luck down here. Radar is scaring the crap out me.
  2. The dry slot south of LI is moving way too fast for my liking.
  3. Why no blizzard warnings from Upton? What are they waiting for?
  4. The mega-band that was progged to stall over LI...I don't think that's gonna happen. That bad boy is gonna blow into CT and then some.
  5. The dry air is eating away at our snow now...but this is a good thing....the isentropic will be radical when it comes.
  6. Yup, best snows have shifted well northeast. Give us another tic or two...
  7. Oops, I accidentally posted my bitcoins by mistake. But it does show 36kt sustained winds at Boston over two time periods. I think blizzard watches may be coming sometime tomorrow.
  8. The B word? 153 FOUS61 KWNO 310000 OUTPUT FROM NAM 00Z JAN 31 21 TTPTTR1R2R3 VVVLI PSDDFF HHT1T3T5 TTPTTR1R2R3 VVVLI PSDDFF HHT1T3T5 ALB//722314 -3218 273010 19918789 BTV//713307 -1215 290207 13858289 06000742124 -1219 290106 22878890 06000732407 -2014 293303 17858690 12000781939 00019 300203 24869291 12000792116 -1215 300104 19848990 18000572149 -0319 273402 26919391 18000662024 -1816 283603 21899290 24000634941 -1019 260204 28939492 24000771733 00016 280105 23899491 30000657337 01317 240506 29929392 30000831535 -1516 270603 25889491 36000707626 00112 220408 31929595 36000731432 -1917 260904 27899592 42000767623 -2015 180512 32979395 42000611832 -2217 220503 29959593 48016948736 01808 140217 33979497 48000892440 -2017 200407 29969293 54015938917 12907 080119 33969596 54000917432 02011 140211 31959694 60010878311 00213 063619 30959593 60017928821 14007 103614 30949795 BOS//522207 -2016 243313 16928589 LGA//441930 01720 263111 27989393 06000592610 -1017 263310 18898890 06000602344 -2922 273610 28949392 12000642124 -2917 283307 22879192 12000673663 -0722 280207 30939593 18000581845 -1019 273301 25939392 18000637351 00320 250607 30949594 24000623248 00319 271202 27959493 24000688028 00316 240610 32969494 30000745838 -0419 250708 29979493 30004939518 08410 200519 34969696 36000837521 00218 220717 32999295 36028948912 17510 150525 36979797 42003939053 -3320 170625 34009598 42047959617 32908 080330 39980097 48054988832 10211 100536 37009897 48096957406 12913 040229 37999895 54099975614 01515 030436 38009798 54038956407 -0208 000122 36999699 60022964809 00206 980332 38009800 60009907109 03307 993522 34989598 PHL//401938 -0520 273006 31999494 IPT//632737 -1718 280105 30959292 06000513562 -0122 270410 33979494 06000674455 00719 270706 31939393 12000628060 04722 270808 32959593 12000667854 01817 271105 31949393 18000758928 03316 240907 34989395 18004928744 02915 231306 31959393 24017958614 05911 200618 36989795 24013939034 06512 210911 33959493 30017948212 01407 150621 38989800 30018939034 06609 180710 34959795 36008937209 01404 100524 39990000 36023909026 00206 160612 34959897 42005917706 -1309 070325 38980000 42011868727 01905 130413 34980095 48012917506 -8912 053620 35989995 48001798727 04506 120117 33979995 54004918008 -1014 033420 34999595 54005878931 06106 103619 32959994 60004907409 -3412 023318 32989494 60004797931 00409 083521 31949793
  9. Your sister's on a date You just look at weather maps and _____________
  10. Yes, true, but that storm tracked from SE to NW. Reggie has this thing stuck in place for hour after hour. Who knows...just seems a bit unlikely.
  11. Although Maine gets flooded with warm air. I don't imagine there are many cases in history where ME is too warm while DC is crushed,
  12. There are times that I wish we didn't have models, satellites, etc. Just hand drawn maps based on upstream observations, the smell of the air, changes in wind, and horse sense. Thinking back to my childhood in the 60s, surprise storms were the best.
  13. I feel it too, we've seen this happen to western CT many times before. But....the best weenie bands often show up where they were not modelled. Case in point, December 16th, my friend in Grantham, NH, a former pro forecaster, was hoping to get some accumulating snow...he got 38".
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