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Go Kart Mozart

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Everything posted by Go Kart Mozart

  1. Well that's hopeful. I like 76-77....bone dry and bitter cold. Let's start a thread.
  2. The satellite is impressive, even if NAM is not. If that Lake Superior feature were over...Indiana?
  3. That cold front diving into the convergence cone off the Carolina's could be a big deal:
  4. I'll take this morning's GFS as for general evolution. The powder blizz for DC while we rain would be hilarious.
  5. Is that an hallucination, or is eastern LI getting rocked right now?
  6. You wouldn't remember it in Maine...it was all rain up there. The mets can correct me on this, but I remember an IVT or maybe a CF with a SE to NW orientation. I think Newport had 30"?
  7. Yeah, but he got all jacked up on roids after he left the Red Sox.
  8. The children's blizzard of 1888 in the Great Plains...people were getting knocked on their arses whenever they touched their wood stoves thanks to St. Elmo's Fire.
  9. Just back from a "supply" trip to Great Barrington. I was shocked to see 4" of fresh snow on the ground.
  10. The Boys in the Boat is a tremendous book about the University of Washington crew team that represented us at the Berlin Olympics of 1936. The author writes about the crippling blizzards that were hitting Seattle at that time. I was a bit incredulous, as I haven't seen that in my years as a weather nerd...but we might see that in early December?
  11. In the old days we would look for the ridge apex to be in line with the Chimney of Idaho. That would give this some more room for maneuver.
  12. The pig begins to retrograde off the set near the end of the euro run.
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