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Go Kart Mozart

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Everything posted by Go Kart Mozart

  1. Just for the porn of it, I would love to see a day 11 panel:
  2. It looks like your 582 line is in Trinidad and/or Tobago...
  3. In terms of specific threats nothing jumps out, but the general pattern looks pretty weenie-ish to me. Chance after chance for at least the next two weeks.
  4. 7" OTG in Trumbull. Very pleased with the storm, I just wish it had happened at a time other than midnight to 5am.
  5. At first glance this looks odd, but there is fresh convection that just spouted near HAT...not talking about the stuff 200 miles east
  6. You beat me to it. What a thing of beauty, and only 40 more euro runs.
  7. My dogs charged out the door for their morning pee, just like they do every day....but this time they both went down....kinda funny to watch.
  8. To clarify....are you thinking the surface low forms with the convection well off-shore, then moves due north, making landfall in SEMA?
  9. Check out the -30s at 850 deep into Cow Hampshire
  10. I am working in Westport today, nada, but there is clearly virga above.
  11. I am in Westport, CT, today. Radar shows it is snowing aloft...but it must be quite high. The sky has a textured look, not the typical virga look of joint compound after it has been smoothed with a big taping knife.
  12. A situation like this makes me miss the big guy from The Cape.
  13. Boston more than DC? It must be the NAVGEM.
  14. Is 18z the run where NAMMY looses it's shite, we all go nuts, only to be let down a couple of hours later? Normally that's about 36hrs before go-time.
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