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Go Kart Mozart

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Everything posted by Go Kart Mozart

  1. This 144 map is promising...before it goes to crap 24 hours later. Worth keeping an eye on it:
  2. Since 2008/2009, we have had fifteen double digit storms down here. I was born in 1959...maybe I became weather aware in 67 give or take. Here are the double digit storms we had between 67 and March of 93...which seemed to mark a turning point. 1969 Lindsay storm 2 blizzards in 1978...when I am away at college, great. April 1982 February 1983 This is in no way an aggregation of minor systems.
  3. The numbers lie? LOL....believe me dammit, not your lying eyes!
  4. It is on my work computer...gotta email it to myself.
  5. Maybe your impressions exaggerate the crappiness. Granted, I live in southern Fairfield County, which has a much lower bar to hurdle...the long-term average for snowfall here is just under 40" per year. Here are the results from my snow log going back to 08/09: 08/09 43" 09/10 46" - we were literally 20 crow-fly miles from much, much, more 10/11 71" 11/12 18" 12/13 69" 13/14 66" 14/15 68" -and we got screwed! 15/16 35" - in a super el-nino 16/17 48" 17/18 61" 18/19 29" 19/20 missing 20/21 45" All in all, a very good stretch....better than very good, at least down here!
  6. Are you saying that the 30 day stretch in 2015 was the only good stretch of sustained winter weather in multiple decades? I must be misinterpreting that, right?
  7. That is freaking fugly at the end. I don't need to break a bone on the front stoop.
  8. Both Euro and Ukie nice signal early next week.
  9. Let's remove this thread and pretend it never happened.
  10. That looks about right. 2015 nightmare all over again.
  11. The Midwest is having a weenie's dream. Two days of continuous snow, with 20"-30"....imagine our board if that was us?
  12. As I review totals posted in my region, there are many wild exaggerations. 10" in Fairfield CT my ass.
  13. I cannot recall a storm where the Cape was dry slotted and at the same time we were too far west. Miller As often deliver in a narrow band, but this was ridiculous.
  14. Geez the Euro....no break for the weary trackers. Watch this be a bigger event than today for me!
  15. Apparently we have the least snow between NJ and all points east. At least subsidence zones get good wind. 10 days of tracking for this, oy vey. oops, wrong thread
  16. 5" of sand (guesstimate) here. 12f. Subsidence FTL. I am guessing that Milford on east is getting hammered.
  17. SEMA is doing this the right way...a heavy wet base to be followed by wind driven powder.
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