Maybe your impressions exaggerate the crappiness. Granted, I live in southern Fairfield County, which has a much lower bar to hurdle...the long-term average for snowfall here is just under 40" per year. Here are the results from my snow log going back to 08/09:
08/09 43"
09/10 46" - we were literally 20 crow-fly miles from much, much, more
10/11 71"
11/12 18"
12/13 69"
13/14 66"
14/15 68" -and we got screwed!
15/16 35" - in a super el-nino
16/17 48"
17/18 61"
18/19 29"
19/20 missing
20/21 45"
All in all, a very good stretch....better than very good, at least down here!