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Go Kart Mozart

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Everything posted by Go Kart Mozart

  1. Yes, you have earned the privilege of starting the next storm thread, lol....let's just hope that's not December!
  2. The composite radar makes it look like the low is over DE, but lowest pressure at the surface is far to the southeast of that. Am I seeing the 700 level on the radar?
  3. Did you create this? If so, you might need more sunscreen, or maybe a broad rimmed hat when you step out.
  4. I have to wonder about the boundary layer temperatures forecasted by the models. If it is pounding precip, -6c at 850, with steep lapse rates, NNE surface wind, I don't see how it is not solidly below 32f . Then again, the models process all of this better than I do....so we'll see.
  5. Just checking in for the first time since this morning. I am sure this has been much discussed, but when do we ever see the mesos colder and further to the right than the globals? Reggie, Reggie, Reggie!
  6. Actually a good post! Not just a shot of an unfavorable map, but some solid reasoning. Keep doing that, please.
  7. The spread actually seems greater in terms of longitude rather than latitude. The question might be how fast, early capture, etc.
  8. Yes, but does the global scale affect particular storm totals in NS? Or we need to look specifically at that storm's ingest regions.
  9. The thing is, I'm not so sure the waters to the east of NS are that warm. Admittedly this is yesterday's depiction, so maybe they were warmer when the storm began...I don't know.
  10. https://journeynorth.org/tm/robin/facts_migration.html#:~:text=In spring and summer%2C they,it easier to spot predators. "They follow the 37f isotherm", that's why they seemed to never leave.
  11. Cape Breton one of my favorite places on the planet (earth). Paging Hazey...how did you do?
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