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About Phillycane

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. It wouldn’t be winter in NYC without some thunderstorm action!
  2. Just had the first thunder of the season in the UES.
  3. I'm down in OCNJ currently and after the rain ended about an hour ago the sun is out but not sure for how long. **Edit: And now the clouds are back. **
  4. Another tornado confirmed in the Saturday outbreak. This one was an EF-1 in Bucks County PA https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/tornado-confirmed-in-bucks-county-nws-says/
  5. I'm down in suburban Philly for the holidays and we had a line come through about an hour ago with intense hail. It has been snowing for the last half hour. My morning started at 45 degrees and now down to 31. I would be surprised in NYC doesn't get in on a bit of snow from this.
  6. My mom lives in Bucks county in PA this is her second PDS TOR warning this year. The first was at the end of July. I don't ever remember before this year getting a PDS warning in PA
  7. It has been pouring here in the UES for at least a half hour with the current storm. The first storm that came through around 3 (I think, was working) had a lot more thunder/ lightening. This is a lot of water in a short time.
  8. Very intense winds. I went up to the roof to take some pictures and was nearly hit by a deck chair.
  9. Kind of a noob question. I live in Manhattan, given the issues with the temp readings in CP is it more realistic to use Newark’s numbers, or no? Thanks
  10. Ring of Fire eclipse in Manhattan
  11. This pic was from my root almost directly under the shelf cloud.
  12. We had pea size and slightly bigger hail in the UES and an absolute deluge. Now some lightening and thunder.
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