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Everything posted by IWXwx

  1. Same here: Wright Weather, Eastern, American
  2. I remember you over at eastern, but also can’t remember what happened. I do remember flipping out when I went to the site one morning and it was gone. I don’t remember how I found my way here with the eastern crew, but was glad I found it.
  3. Lots of mood flakes mixed with rain at times today, no accumulation.
  4. You left out us boomers Seriously, I think you're right, especially about by being bifurcated into their echo chambers
  5. With posters using the Autumn Banter Thread in December, I figured I'd better make a new El Nino winter thread. It may be a popular place for some. IND posted on their Facebook page why it sucks to live along the 40th Parallel
  6. Kind of crazy to think about that. I guess stronger drought in '12 made it seem warmer than this year.
  7. Coincidentally, a met friend of mine hit a big buck last night on his way into work less than a half a mile from IWX. The office has a Fish and Wildlife area directly behind it, and they often see deer and turkeys around the office. You can see where it took an antler to the windshield. He said it drives fine, but is most likely totaled. Poor Audi A6 Prestige.
  8. I remember as a young man my neighbor giving me some venison from a buck he shot in Michigan (I believe with a bow). The meat tasted like a pine tree! I wouldn't eat deer meat for many years after that. It wasn't until I had some grain fed Hoosier deer that I changed my opinion about deer meat. I still don't hunt them, but like it when all of the hunters leave my fish alone. lol
  9. Here's something that you don't see everyday, above normal chances for precipitation in the 8-14 day outlook for the whole Untied States (including Alaska and Hawaii) except for the southern tip of Texas. Oh, and and everyone east of the Rockies will be basking in above normal temps too.
  10. While we're at it, let's add a happy little palm tree to bo's yard to help him prepare for the oncoming onslaught of climate change. (Sorry, but you're dealing with a retired guy who obviously has too much time on his hands.)
  11. I've noticed the same thing happening occasionally at IWX, although they try to do a good job at keeping the forecast smooth. I also realize that sometimes they have to compromise their forecast to blend with neighboring CWA's.
  12. Xenia obviously takes the honors for the most powerful tornado, but I am willing to bet that Van Wert leads in numbers. I will have to look it up when I have time.
  13. Same out here. We may even see some lake effect down this way. After my niece complained on Facebook about the cold temps predicted for Halloween, I suggested that she dress the kiddos up as Ralphie's brother in A Christmas Story, so at least they will be warm.
  14. It appears that you are acclimated to living in the south. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the southern expression for dumbass?
  15. Not the Great lakes, but a tree at my friends' convenience store here in Huntington had an infestation.
  16. Yeah, the Tigers/Cubs are in a rain delay. It looks like the NE suburbs are getting a second round of lighter rain, but may miss downtown.
  17. Never gets old. Sunday Sunny, with a high near 93. Monday Sunny, with a high near 95. Tuesday Mostly sunny, with a high near 91.
  18. IWX trolling warministas. Sunday Sunny, with a high near 89. Sunday Night Mostly clear, with a low around 63. Monday Sunny, with a high near 89. Monday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 64. Tuesday Mostly sunny, with a high near 89.
  19. This has been a copy and paste summer in these parts. Today's IND discussion is the latest to paste this: "An amplified trough/ridge pattern will support northwesterly flow aloft throughout the majority of the forecast period. Northwesterly flow may lead to "ridge-riding" mesoscale convective systems. Models struggle to pick up on the timing and intensity of MCS features, especially where mesoscale factors largely determine convective location and intensity. As such, pin pointing exact timing of any significant round of convection will be a bit tricky."
  20. We had 2.36" of much needed rain overnight. It looks like multiple chances to add on to that this week. We may finally break this abnormally dry weather for awhile.
  21. I didn't realize that about beetles and drought, but I've noticed a sharp decline in the numbers in my garden this year, so it makes sense.
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