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Everything posted by IWXwx

  1. It hasn't fallen yet, but some system snow, followed by a model projected semi-stationary single band should do the trick.
  2. Oh, I don’t know, it may have been kind of fun having him around with this upcoming arctic dump.
  3. Only call for FWA: Flakeage mixed with rain at onset, .75” of rain through the day. 2.1” of backwash snow with intermittent white out conditions. IWXwx will be asleep during the best part of the storm Friday night, waking up to a frozen tundra.
  4. Yet another miss for Northeast Indiana upcoming, especially if the King reigns. More rain and the bad thing about this one is that it will be followed by a barren arctic tundra for days on end.
  5. I can attest to many hours of pingers during GHD 2011. I forget exactly how many inches of sleet we had, but it was enough to make roads nearly impassable. It is also the only time I’ve seen large drifts of sleet. Wish I had taken pics.
  6. It's interesting that multiple locations set their January low pressure record today, mostly beating the bliz of '78 and those new records could get beat in three days.
  7. Yep. At least IND got a consolation prize.
  8. The normally reserved and conservative Todd H. at IWX is onboard, throwing weenies a bone (or is that a bun) in his overnight discussion. "...focus turns to potential snowpocalypse Fri-Sat." "...an anonymously moist return moisture plume as delineated in explicit deterministic qpfs Fri-Sat, highlighting the potential for a blockbuster snowstorm for much of the area." When he's all in, I'm all in.
  9. IWX is calling for 3-5" for MBY on Monday night with the front end dump, just to get washed away after sunrise. Talk about a stat padder. Several inches of snow that will not be enjoyed. Oh, we might get a consolation prize with the backwash. It would be nice to lay even a coating to enjoy and perhaps help in the coming days.
  10. Woke up to 0.4” too. Had 0.2” yesterday, with mood flakes off and on all day. Still getting snow showers this morning. Not much, but it finally looks like winter out there.
  11. The tropics of IND just missed setting a futility record for the latest measurable snowfall. The record was set on January 4, 1941. They received their first measurable snow yesterday (12/31) with a whopping 0.1"!! Maybe Josh and other snow measurers can chime in, but I think it is almost impossible to record 0.1" of snow. I've been measuring for 20 years and have recorded it twice. It is usually a trace as the ground doesn't get completely covered or the flakes are fluffy enough to record 0.2". It's hard to get flake size that allows for a 0.1" measurement. All of that being said to comment that they got robbed as bad as the Lions!
  12. You're both right and you both know it. Pattern change is not necessarily immediately accompanied by a change in sensible weather. Operationals depict going from WAD to seasonal and dry. However, I am encouraged by the fact that at least there is a better opportunity for interesting weather down the road and in fact the Euro may begin to show something in a couple of more runs, but in the short-term, yeah, zzzz away.
  13. Cutoff lows sometimes produce funky outcomes. Rain in Northern Indiana (sometimes heavy) while Southern Indiana, just north of the Ohio River, is seeing accumulating snow.
  14. Really??!! Upper 40's-upper 50's in late December? If December is going to be the new November, I'll take those temps in a heartbeat. And it's not like it's going to be a complete washout. Just occasional showers. Beats the hell out of CAD.
  15. No matter how many times you yell at them, "Get off my lawn!!!" in the summer, they'll still shovel your driveway in the winter if you flash the cash.
  16. We had a nice convective squall roll through late morning here, with visibilities dropping to a few hundred feet and thundersnow reported to my southeast. Picked up a quick inch. Since then, we have been getting remnants off of the lake. A primary band looks to be forming, located from just east of SBN to FWA. Those areas could get a quick couple of inches before it migrates.
  17. I'm in agreement with those above. If it's not going to be a doozy, I'll take the mild and dry. Maybe we should start a Geezer thread for those of us whose are looking for extreme weather, but don't root on every shortwave to become armegeddon. Leave that to the younger weenies.
  18. It may have been decided to make a more blanket coverage of the worst condition areas, even if it doesn't technically meet warning criteria. The alternative would be issuing an Advisory, then having to issue long-lived, multiple Snow Squall Warnings for the affected area. However, their morning disco doesn't give a clue as to why they went this route.
  19. With the forecast trajectories, I'm liking where I sit for some LES/Enhancement down this way. An inch or two would be nice in this otherwise "normal" December.
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