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Everything posted by IWXwx

  1. Has anyone heard from Bo lately? It's been awfully quiet from the yooper.
  2. That 6" bullseye over MBY is most likely taint from Sunday, but that's still lol. The uncle's off his meds again.
  3. Dude, you're having a very nice winter. Tons of snow, deep snow cover and cold to keep everything locked up.
  4. Took a Jeb walk and took the measuring stick with me. Hard to measure, but averaging many measurements, I'm confident that at 9:00 EST, I had 7.4". Probably another inch since then. Just incredible out. A foot or bust. Actually, based on radar, wouldn't be surprised if we hit 14".
  5. Flakes are small to medium, but just pouring.
  6. I've been quiet here, mostly just lurking, but I am getting buried! Rates are incredible.
  7. Government employee here too, but I had to come into the office today. I already told the Director that I'll be working from home tomorrow. Yep, this is the one that most of the sub forum has been wishing for, excluding Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, although they all got in on winter while all we saw was bare ground. Also, anyone else here on NWSChat? I got booted awhile ago, and can't get back in. Outage?
  8. The old axiom is to get the best snow, you have to be able to smell the rain.
  9. I agree with you in going Watch for Cook and dropping to an Advisory later if necessary
  10. It's still there. Prepare 2 b buried
  11. -15° wind chills in Dallas on Sunday night. Broken water pipes galore.
  12. I just got off of the phone with someone in Irving, Texas. I could hear the almost panic in her voice while discussing their forecast. People are freaking out. A lot of snow and zr in their forecast, along with below zero wind chills. The worst thing for them is that it's not going to get above freezing for almost a week. Expect lots of headlines from their area.
  13. Dude, if the snow is going to follow you around like that, you need to move to Indiana.
  14. Take it for what it's worth, but the CFSv2 is showing a signal for above normal precip in March. If that comes to fruition and we have a flip to above normal temps and an accompanying snow pack release, it could get ugly. Granted, it is also consistently showing near normal temps, but it would only take three or four days of above normal temps.
  15. Residents of Nuevo Laredo will be saying, "Se me están congelando las bolas aquí abajo."
  16. I did that for our friend McHenrySnow
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