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Everything posted by IWXwx

  1. I see that IWX finally upgraded Branch and Hillsdale Counties, MI to an Ice Storm Warning, now that HillsdaleMIWeather has to go out to his car to charge his phone so he can post.
  2. Yeah, no kiddin'. I haven't checked the gauge, but I'm sure that we're over 2" and still pouring, all while in the 30's. I was going to mention yesterday that the warm front often ends up on the northern envelope of guidance, but I'm glad I didn't because it sure didn't happen this time.
  3. I'm willing to jump on that bandwagon if I can be assured of a hard flip come April 1st.
  4. I got screwed on that too. The effective warm front is still about 30-40 miles south of me. Haven't been out of the mid 30's all day, while IND set a record high around 4 PM of 71°. Predicted high in the upper 50's. At least I got a t-storm out of it this morning.
  5. Solid first thunderstorm of the year here. Just had a very close CG strike. Not bad for 6:30 AM in February. I'm sure that it acted as an alarm clock for a lot of people. It's getting me in the mood for severe season.
  6. 39° and thunderstorms. Yum "Rain, with thunderstorms also possible after 4pm. Some of the storms could produce heavy rainfall. High near 39."
  7. I would be sitting pretty if it was all snow! It will help with the abnormally dry conditions here, especially since the ground is thawed in this area.
  8. My CoCoRaHS log for February. This is just wrong, even here in the tropics that is NE Indiana. Unless we get anything measurable Friday night, it looks like we will go the entire month of Feb. without measurable snow. I'll have to look up later if that's ever happened at FWA.
  9. lol at posting a 372 hr GFS op run temp map. In other news, I find it hard to believe in this day and age that this is a thing:
  10. I'm retired as of this week, and as such not tied down to our county. Pretty marginal threat to be heading down to the Cincy area though.
  11. They torched the remaining hazmat so as to speed up getting the tracks cleared, regardless of the additional hazards surrounding residents would have to face. It wasn't until after burning all of the rest of it off when that they said "whoops, there are other hazardous chemicals there too." BS They railroad knew exactly what was there. It was right on the consist. The big railroads are just as bad as other large corporations that have an almost monopoly. It is all about the $$$. I know through working in emergency management. We have had incidents locally where Norfolk Southern had to stop train traffic and they always whine that they lose a million dollars an hour when a line is shut down and implicitly say "screw public safety."
  12. Didn't he also go by Saukville and a couple of other usernames between his multiple bans?
  13. "For example, I love lifting weights. There are many mental and physical health benefits that not only serve me well now as I close in on 40, but will hopefully pay off all the way through old age. I love the journey. I love trying to get better. Perfect linear progress doesn't happen forever, but you put the work in to be the best version of yourself." I never worked out in my adult life, but had physically demanding jobs which helped keep me in shape. However, after getting a desk job with Emergency Management a few years ago, I kind of let myself go. So a little over a year ago, I began lifting and doing cardio. As I just turned 65, I now feel better than I did since I was in my 30's, and that even includes a couple of months last year where I battled cancer with chemo and radiation. Anyway, I'm looking forward to our I-69 semi-tipping winds this afternoon.
  14. I haven't seen a post out of you for a couple of days. Just checking to make sure everything's okay. I speculated that you lost power.  Anyway, check in when you get a chance.

    1. Powerball


      I'm good. I'm just over all the Ice / cold weather we've been getting down here.

      Meanwhile, you guys in the GL/OV sub don't seem to have any big storms on the horizon to talk about either

      Thanks for checking in though!

  15. I haven't seen any posts from Powerball in the past couple days. I wonder if he has power.
  16. Chinese balloon descending? https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/suspected-chinese-balloon-us/index.html
  17. That's a crappy way to break a futility run.
  18. It looks like cromartie picked up about 6". Kind of interesting that he hasn't posted on this thread recently about how it's going to bust and that a torch is just around the corner. Here is a representation of how his yard looks:
  19. Our peak depth was 6.7" at around 2 PM (EST), but have already lost a couple of inches to melting/compaction with the marginal temps, kind of a letdown. Was cool to see periods of +sn though.
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