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Everything posted by Avdave

  1. Here is the 600 radar shot I saved on Dec 19 2009
  2. I was gate B66 at IAD with Novasnow from the board here when the earthquake struck. It was pretty neat and everyone just stopped looked around and then went back to their business
  3. Need to move that 10-18 swath way west for sure
  4. Such awesomeness those few days here See ya in the spring 12/18/09 Sat shot CWG map
  5. Good Luck in GA bro

  6. The rockies, best record in baseball, wtf is going on in mlb these days

  7. HIYA KIM Hi Kim Howdy Kim Yo Kim KIM!

  8. It workeeeeedddddd

  9. Hiya Huff, You needed some comments so here it is

  10. Avdave

    Hey Mike,, How are things going for you in Texas?

  11. is your PM box full dude? I tried to send you a PM but it said you couldnt receive anymore

  12. Happy Birthday Steven. Hope you had a great birthday my friend :)

  13. Happy Birthday Craig, Hope you had a good birthday my friend

  14. I didnt bring it here, I am not respsonsible for that. I went to FLA last week and brought back the warm weather

  15. Oh please, you love the warm weather too, stop acting like you dont

  16. I want the 74 degree temps like last friday, now please find it and bring it back for me please, k thx

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