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Everything posted by WeatherShak

  1. Yup. I feel like I'm keeping people awake....blowing leaves at 5:30 p.m.
  2. That’s incredible. Probably saved you some time walking too. Gorgeous pic. .
  3. There were at least a couple hundred starlings in my backyard this morning. Felt a little creepy. Almost Birds movie-like creepy. .
  4. OK -- Wife turned it on herself this morning. Fair enough.
  5. Anyone turned their heat on yet? I'm still holding out, but my WIFE (just got married!) is starting to chirp a little... 64 in the house this afternoon.
  6. Was just thinking the same thing.
  7. Right there with you. Grew up riding second hand GTs, then eventually got good enough at racing that Schwinn hooked me up with a Pro Stock 1.
  8. Hiked up to 1400/7 mile loop there last weekend. Careful— ran into a few copperheads down near the river. .
  9. Please no. Getting married on Saturday in my backyard
  10. Heading up early Friday to backpack in the Roaring Plaines
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/09/24/dc-sterling-radar-broken/?fbclid=IwAR0XOIu3rjceUE5XKz61xHFP4hbGC_zr2wCTs4UQAH2TRdsPoLvwY-HFRNc .
  12. I've been tapping into KDOX, but it obviously doesn't have great coverage our way. Can anyone suggest a good alternative while LWX is down?
  13. Just seeing this. Thank YOU! Wall mount would be cool, but not necessary for me.
  14. Evening folks. Recently bought a home in Alexandria. First time in my life not renting. Excited to install a WX station. What are you all using? I've got a remote, digital thermometer, but would love a station that measures wind and rainfall too. Everything on google/amazon recommends this, but I'm hesitant to trust the algorithms. Appreciate any recommendations you have or testimonies. Thanks. Here's what I'm looking at RN. https://www.amazon.com/Ambient-Weather-WiFi-Station/dp/B01N5TEHLI/ref=asc_df_B01N5TEHLI/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=216545230264&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2692640445855453362&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008185&hvtargid=pla-350685252410&psc=1
  15. Looks like maybe some training setting up along and East of 95. .
  16. Doug said NWS doesn’t think enough LL rotation to warrant warming. .
  17. Verbatim: sprinkles for DC. Will be fun to watch radar later today. .
  18. 18Z HRRR looking a little more robust this evening for DC metro
  19. Wasn't aware of that page/product. Thanks! Bookmarked now.
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