Stepped out on the deck with coffee this am. Noticeably colder, air drier and windy. Mid 20s tonight?! Think I’ll get a fire roaring this evening. [emoji477]️ [emoji91]
Just looked up from my computer for first time in 5 hours and noticed it’s 68 degrees on my deck. [emoji91] might have to go for a run. Would be awesome to see flakes in 36 hours after this.
Prelim never a bad idea, can act like a skid greaser, meet & greet. That being said I think prob of trollers is low if access is happening through an email request to PSU.
Was looking at the 10 day and feel like it’s been a while since the 10 day consistently had overnight lows forecast to be in the 20s (except for one in the attached)
Was just wondering that. In my new home about a year now. It’s interesting to hear the “swoosh” of the wind coming from the east. Very noticeable. Surrounded by 100 year old oaks and they’re dancing differently this morning. Some good gusts in the past 30 mins.