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Everything posted by mitchnick

  1. For June and July forecasts for September, even the CFS was around +1.8-1.9. Sorry Snowman .
  2. July 1 POAMA forecast says 3.4 is +2.3C while reality was +1.55C. Even current forecast has 9/1 at +1.9C. Seems to start off wrong and that error gets magnified over time.
  3. Yep. That's what happened. My mistake. EDIT: But as a comment, they don't start the observation on 9/1. It's 8/15 when it was a touch over +1.3.
  4. I'm just west of that lihe now with only a few drops, but the southern end of the line is intensifying/expanding westward and now looks headed right for me. But these storms have been tricky with all the redevelopment as they move NE, so it can still miss me.
  5. Typical for this summer, that area developed to my north by 5 miles and moved right up Rt.94. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=LWX-N0B-1-96-100-usa-rad
  6. Believe me brother, I'm with you on that. My July was about 1.25" or less and August had a couple of days with less than 1.5" and only some random showers for the month. I fear with this oddly evolving Niño we're all going to get screwed ala 72/73.
  7. Your area has had the hot hand the last couple of days. Let me be the first to say Congrats.
  8. Charts Copernicus forecast starts on September 1 and has the 9/1 anomaly at +2. 1-2.2C for 3.4. That's wrong. Oisst had it at +1.55C. So if you subtract the .6 error from the max forecast of +2.2 +/-, you get something much more in line with moderate Niño MEI's...coincidentally?
  9. Sounds like it rained cats and dogs in Paw Paw.
  10. Lol. Got home to light rain and partially dry ground. Nothing in the rain gauge. I mean Mcsherrystown is less than 10 minutes from mby. Unbelievable. So how often does your club meet as I may be interested in joining?
  11. I didn't get much here in Hanover. We've had the same issue with missing just to the nse&w. Headed back home so I will check the gauge then.
  12. Was crushing 10 minutes ago in Mcsherrystown but light here in Hanover. Can't miss me tonight. How much is the ?
  13. Same here. If for no other reason than the sultry airmass you mentioned.
  14. We're being surrounded! https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=LWX-N0B-1-24-100-usa-rad
  15. More ☀!! https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/sector_band.php?sat=G16&sector=ne&band=GEOCOLOR&length=24
  16. Of course you'll take it and be happy...you're in Mt. Joy. :-)
  17. It has been terrible all this summer, way overforecasting rain amounts. And every time I hear "upgrade" I know it means degrade.
  18. That was a forecast for Hanover overnight. MDT is 30+ miles away.
  19. .15" since sunset yesterday. NWS forecast as of 6pm last night was for 1-2" possible per attachment. Do you think anybody will have their pay docked? Lol And we're supposed to believe long range global computer guidance? P.s. Sorry for the long screenshot but Samsung's last update removed the simple screenshot option. More idiocy.
  20. Looks hit or miss for all of us. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=LWX-N0B-1-24-100-usa-rad
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