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Everything posted by mitchnick

  1. Fwiw, 15z srefs just coming out now still say it's coming. Run isn’t finished yet.
  2. NAVGEM a pretty good hit, though you were probably not serious. Ukie is meh and attached. 6z Gfs back to 2"+.
  3. There's no new information in it except for their declaration there's a coupled Nino (barely per MEI) and +IOD. I thought we knew that already. Honestly, your post sounded like there was something new which is why I thought you were referring to the BOM model.
  4. Agree, and unlike the BOM, the CFS has been lowering the ONI in response. I do note that today's run did have a few ensemble members warmer than the mean. First day it showed that in a while.
  5. Honestly thought similarly. Even has that strip of convergence leading to heaviest precip near the western edge.
  6. Could it be right? I suppose, but the problem it's been having is putting the MJO on steroids. It did it a few weeks ago and I recall you posting how the MJO was finally kicking in and failed as it has all year. So I've posted the latest on the site BOM MJO forecast on top then the Euro and JMA since they've been fairly unimpressed with the MJO waking up. As you can see, BOM is on its own ending the run in left field...literally! Lol EDIT: I do note that the BOM plot is 2 days old, so I'll post the updated forecast when available, but I doubt it will be anywhere near the other 2 models.
  7. Have you ever tried the C&O Canal from around Harper's Ferry, WV north or south. Can't get any flatter and pretty picturesque.
  8. Actually, globals are in pretty decent agreement with slp location at 18z on Friday. It's after that where they diverge.
  9. If we get something close to this, I think we could safely say the worm has turned with our pattern.
  10. Meh...EC has been carp in my book ever since the alleged upgrade in 2017. I'm riding the Canadian as long as at least one of the globals support it. In this case, the Gfs and Icon fwiw do.
  11. More likely full of water. But have a great time paweather. Don't mind me. j/k
  12. I mow 1x/week unless I get lucky with drought conditions, which puts me at 2 weeks. The pia is that I have about 4 different areas that hrow at different rates. But I admit to mowing the fast growing areas and leaving the rest for the next week. Iow, anything to avoid mowing!!!
  13. 18/19 3.4 peaked at +.9C. We've beat that already with the most recent trimonthly at +1.1C and will certainly be above that next month. So one would hope this year would overcome the problems of 18/19...or exacerbate them! Lol
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