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Everything posted by mitchnick

  1. With all the large wobbles, I have a hard time thinking daily ensemble updates are really that useful. Seems they are just as bad, or close to just as bad, as operational runs. Jmho
  2. I'd be happy with a weak pv to at least avoid a December shutout and hope for the SSW down the road. Heck, we don't require a SSW event in strong Niños with well placed forcing anyway.
  3. Link is here with graph on the right side of the page. https://s2s.worldclimateservice.com/climatepanel/
  4. Looking at the surface temps as depicted on the SSTA maps, December has the east coast in the first AN level (don't see the legend, but I'm guessing+.5C-1C?) and the rest of the months are all in the normal range with some BN in February. That's not bad at all.
  5. I think I've seen the Cansips late on TT 1, maybe 2 times, in the past many years. Usually out the evening of the last day of the month.
  6. Sounds good to me. Snow Water equivalent looks to be normal from Boston on south along I95 and westward beyond I81. I'll take that in a heartbeat.
  7. Fwiw, updated Cansips from the Canadian site. Only map is a global map and no 500mb maps. https://climate-scenarios.canada.ca/?page=cansips-global
  8. @FPizz Huh? I said I posted it yesterday and it was on the previous page.
  9. They got those maps from the same link I posted last night, one page back in this thread. And it was cold off the presses by the time they posted it this afternoon. https://www.metcheck.com/SEASONAL/cansips_charts.asp
  10. If it's colder than the Wxbell site, then you have to wonder. Lol
  11. Actually, the regular Cfs site does an average of 10 days of runs, or something along those lines. See up top at this link. https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/CFSv2/CFSv2_body.html
  12. Tropical Tidbits and the regular Cfs site gives an average of the last 12 runs. The run on that site is just today's 12z.
  13. Yeah. It says celsius, but no idea on the increments. I actually prefer the CFS forecast for February and March off that site. Take a look. Now that's a Niño on the CFS.
  14. Here we go. New Cansips. 850 temps at or a littie below but surface temps a little above. Precip, I think, AN in the east. No 500mb maps unfortunately. https://www.metcheck.com/SEASONAL/cansips_charts.asp
  15. They're not great maps, as in not very helpful, but these are temp and precip probability maps from the updated Cansips. It does look to be a little cooler, but won't guarantee that. https://weather.gc.ca/saisons/prob_e.html
  16. Gefs showing early signs of warming at 10mb over and north and nw of Japan.
  17. Tick, tick, tick go the seconds before someone posts the November Cansips.
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