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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. I saw and heard that too. Had the lightning shine through my closed blinds lol
  2. It only really snowed here for little over an hour and ended way faster than I was expecting. We got the grass slightly covered but that was about it
  3. Snowing here already. Like Mag said pretty much no Virga here either
  4. True. There's some people who see warmth as a positive thing. As much as I love big winter storms I do love it when we get really warm days like the past few we've had. I'm a big fan of both lol
  5. California's been in a mega drought since 2000 so this is desperately needed to try and put a dent in that thing. I think the last time the west went through a mega drought was back in the 1500's
  6. I'm guessing the nighttime lows have to be close to a record tonight. Low 50's for a lot of areas. Considering my towns record daytime high was 60 and the low tonight here is 53 I'd imagine it's gotta be close
  7. January 4th is looking incredibly warm with low to mid 60's for a lot of us
  8. I definitely had a feeling that's what happened. That seemed way too cold for a daytime high lol
  9. Some black ice on the roads but it wasn't too bad thankfully around here. Was expecting it to be worse
  10. Parts of the roads around here are already starting to get slippery with the water freezing. Tonight and tomorrow morning is probably going to be dangerous in some spots
  11. I'm seeing it getting down to 13 degrees around the Harrisburg area around 5 pm. That seems insanely low for a daytime temp especially for right before the sun is completely set. That has to be close to a record for a daytime temp, right? We are supposed to have some 0 to -15 degree wind chills as well which is something you don't see very often especially during the daytime Also earlier in the morning power flickered 3 times within 30 seconds. Then another flicker happened a bit later. Luckily no power outage. My area almost never loses power no matter how bad things get but it's definitely weird seeing flickering like this.
  12. Sucks that snow chances kinda evaporated for the 23rd. I was excited about potentially having a white christmas. :< i guess i'll just be happy about it being warm at least so that's nice for me imo
  13. Hopefully not :/ Euro is showing us torching the beginning of January
  14. I'm feeling kind of optimistic about it. It's looking more likely that the cold will be there. All we need is a storm
  15. I'm practically right on that cutoff line from almost 0 inches to 10 minutes to my north having almost 10 inches of snow lol. Should be interesting tomorrow I think
  16. I had to drive in the fog around 4 am and it was actually raining at the same time which is rare. I can barely remember having a super thick fog where it also started raining at the same time
  17. This happened a ton last year and we all know how that entire winter went for a lot of us. All it serves is to drive up hype and then disappointment and as soon as we get through one disappointment it's onto the next week rinse and repeat. There's definitely a way to use models to drive hype and excitement if they're closer in time and not 200+ hours out or if there's a consistent pattern/modeling appearing. I wanted to say something yesterday about this but decided not to. Should add I don't think there's anything wrong with showing long range models as long as the way it's talked about is realistic and helps keep everyone's expectations in check
  18. Near record lows this morning. Pretty impressive. Even more extreme considering how warm the first 2 weeks of November were and then we headed straight into record cold territory
  19. I can't imagine trying to keep up on all that lake effect snow lol
  20. Really wasn't expecting it to lay on the roads here but they finally caved. Still coming down really hard. Grass is almost fully covered
  21. I'm not feeling too confident about seeing anything accumulating anywhere in my neck of the woods but hopefully I'm wrong. I just feel like it's going to be too warm over here
  22. Going from a warmish October and a very warm first 2 weeks of November along with the remnants of a hurricane moving through here just a few days ago to instantly going to potential snow is kind of a shock. I'm actually glad it feels more like November now. I was not enjoying that night where it only got down to 66 lol
  23. Regardless how ugly and weak it is this is extremely impressive to even have us tracking a landfalling hurricane in November, and on the Florida east coast of all places
  24. It's kinda crazy to me we might get rain from the tropical system that strikes Florida in a few days. After it makes landfall it's supposed to go up the coast. Can't really remember many tropical systems effecting us in November even if it'll most likely transition when it's heading up here
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