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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. This is going to be one of the worst flooding events that area has ever seen. The awful flooding they normally get including the record flooding from last winter pales in comparison to what's coming. So no I wouldn't be jumping for joy.
  2. Another thing I don't see people mentioning is that even with Hilary weakening on its approach to California it's going to have a MASSIVE wind field just due to how big of a storm it is and how strong it originally was. That wind field will stretch well out from the center. This won't be no small tropical storm at approach. This isn't a tropical storm that was weak all its life coming in but a almost category 5 with an impressive core and size weakening and coming in
  3. 18z GFS has Hilary at 991mb at landfall in southern california. This is going to be interesting to track for sure. Even if it becomes post tropical at landfall or landfalls into the Baja instead the effects are going to be huge and problematic.
  4. East coast has been immensely lucky over the past couple decades with notable hurricanes. Parts of the coast have been overdue for a very long time like New England. Irene looked like it was ready to change that but weakened from a cat 3 to a cat 1 as it hugged up the coast. Sandy is notable but was not a true tropical system at landfall and was a hybrid so I don't really count that
  5. Atlantic looks loaded and ready to pop. The yellow shaded area nearest to the Lesser Antilles does go through the herbert box which usually increases odds of a landfalling hurricane on the CONUS but that rule isn't fullproof obviously. Should be interesting tracking though
  6. im still blown away you didn't get much. the amount of rain enola and summerdale got was absolutely insane lol
  7. I'd love to know where these top coldest summers are here in Cumberland because I want to sleep with my windows open at night in the summer which I used to be able to do as a kid but can't anymore because it's just way too hot lmao
  8. Been getting an insane amount of rain the past hour
  9. That's something I forgot to even take into account. Those waters on the coast have saved NYC and New England from many a powerful hurricane. The only hurricanes that were able to cause massive damage were the ones that were barreling north so impossibly fast that the lag period of the storm weakening from being over the cooler waters would occur too late due to forward speed. And now we're getting to a point where you won't even need them to be barreling at high speeds for them to retain a lot of their overall strength
  10. 71 DP here so it feels like 100 already despite being 92 degrees already. If it stays that high some of us might be seeing heat indexes between 105-107
  11. That thing was right over top of my house and woke me up lastnight. Some of the most intense thunder I've heard. These thunderstorms just don't want to stop. Not that I'm complaining since I was complaining how we got nothing in May but lol
  12. A cell just popped up out of nowhere over top of me. I checked radar 20 minutes ago thinking it was going to be a while until anything showed up here but nevermind
  13. You don't need the line to see that it's been getting less snowy over the past 70 years. We've been getting more monster snowstorms since the 2000's but overall winters are less snowy.
  14. That was some of the worst and longest sustained powerful winds I've seen in a very long time. Is it weird that I can't really remember winds sustained this powerful since hurricane Irene? lol
  15. Horrible out right now. 2 AM and it's 81 degrees and feels like 85. I could not imagine sleeping in this without ac lol
  16. Yep these areas were not built for so many people, especially during a mega drought which could continue on for decades more. Now if we were getting pre-2000 rains it wouldn't be as big a deal but as long as the mega drought continues it will only get worse. We'll have to see how this oncoming winter is because if we continue getting extremely wet winters often it could be a sign that the mega drought is finally over. Some of them do end around this time frame after 25 years so it's possible.
  17. I guess they screwed up and thought the air quality would be bad but it wasn't? Because AQ is pretty good today. Unless they mean tomorrow but it says until 12 am Friday
  18. I remember being in the bullseye of 8 inches of rain the day or two before this event happened but it turns out most of that heavy rain occurred east of me and I ended up getting around 4 inches
  19. My towns been super lucky with all the rain. The brown dead grass is gone and super lush green grass is back in full force because it's rained so much here the past few weeks. I didn't even realize most of the areas still in a bad drought because I just assumed the rains were more widespread. I've gotten 5 inches of rain just in the last 7 days alone
  20. More rain lol had a special weather statement earlier for this storm talking about 50mph winds but I think it's weakened a bit since then
  21. Right now it's brightly sunny with heavy rain...don't see that often
  22. Yeah just been a heavy rain over here but no thunder or lightning. Still can't believe how much it's been raining here though the past 2 weeks. We just had so much rain lastnight
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