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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. Definitely could get close to tying records tomorrow. Been seeing a lot of temps between 85-88 for tomorrow
  2. Yeah same here. There's not that very many years I can remember seeing snow falling this late over here. Besides last year lol
  3. I almost forgot about how awful last years winter was lmao
  4. It was actually flurrying here for a little bit. Pretty shocked this is the 2nd year in a row where we'd had snow fall extremely late in the year. I can't really remember any year in recent memory besides the snow squall in early may last year where we've had snow this late. I'm guessing it's probably happened a lot in the past but I've been so used to how warm it's been the past 2 decades that it seems weird when it does snow this late. Also interesting is we've still yet to hit 80 degrees in harrisburg this year. Just about every year this past decade I remember seeing multiple days hitting 80+ in feb/mar/apr
  5. the power flickered here and the street lights got knocked out for a bit but thankfully didn't lose power
  6. was coming in here to say the same thing. haven't seen anything this bad since spring or summer of last year
  7. I was not expecting storms this powerful. That wind is nuts out there right now
  8. Yeah I don't even bother with facebook now. It just ends up rotting your brain and it's better for your mental health to take a break from it every now and then. It's good to have an avenue to keep in contact with friends and family but it's good to not let it consume you lol
  9. I wish people weren't so headstrong or ignorant about these things. It's like you try and tell them something you know to be true but nothing convinces them and then they still get mad when their plants die lol you can't believe everything your friends post on social media
  10. It got really cloudy and you can see the rainclouds around harrisburg...it wasn't supposed to rain until late tonight/early morning. no rain yet but it's pretty close
  11. 79 here now...completely smashed the record of 70 in 2009
  12. 66 here currently...i think it was 68 yesterday but that didn't happen until 5 pm
  13. That snow squall in may last year was absolutely crazy. I had to go out to drive and drove into whiteout conditions. The mountains were almost impossible to see. It was the most surreal thing to see in may and I doubt I'll ever forget it
  14. it looks like the temps might break some record highs potentially. thursday here it'll be 73 which breaks the record high of 70 in 2009. should feel nice if you like the warmth lol
  15. i've been thinking the same thing too the past couple years. my parents have said the same thing surprisingly. they don't remember it being windy like this so often and they've lived in the area for 60 years lol
  16. with the way mine was blowing i thought the same was gonna happen. hope you get yours back soon. that sucks
  17. front yard was flooded out today because of all the rain and the ground saturated from the melted snowpack the past few days. haven't seen it that flooded since summer rains from 2019 since it didn't even rain last year lol
  18. snowing here lightly. just a dusting on the cars and grass but that's about it. looks like it won't be going on for much longer
  19. mid 50's should feel really nice tomorrow after the weeks of slightly below average temperatures. im ready for spring. maybe if we can get a huge snowstorm i'll be all in but im done with all the mini events lol
  20. yep lol. it also doesn't help that a lot of us have been hyping up these storms and then back to back they keep turning out to be disappointments and then automatically moving onto the next one only to be disappointed yet again. im definitely burnt out which is why i havent expected much from the last 3 or 4 storms
  21. I didn't even notice they cut our amount down from 6-9 inches to up to 6 inches in the latest winter storm warning update. i had a feeling. was going to mention it yesterday but didn't want to drag down peoples excitement. kinda annoying every time we get to the final run with these storms it ends up being less. 6in is still decent. there's always a chance we could overperform especially since where it sets up is pretty crucial but keeping my expectations in check
  22. i've been thinking the harrisburg area gets way less since that's just how the patterns been the past few weeks. we've ended up with way less snow/ice/sleet than modeled or forecast each time lol so wouldnt surprise me if this happens again and we get way less than the 6-9 inches called for. really sucks that none of these storms have been overachievers here
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