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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. Well that's a huge difference. I know a lot of people weren't jumping onto a potential New England landfall or any effects because of the euro but it's been slowly moving more west
  2. Crazy how much the cutoff is from here to you in harrisburg. We got destroyed lastnight here lol
  3. The highway was just going off nonstop with sirens for 10 minutes straight. I figured some bad stuff happened over there
  4. I was JUST gonna say that. that was crazy. it went through my closed blinds and lit everything up i havent seen lightning like that in years
  5. i have a perfect view of that exact spot you circled from my window down south in enola and its absolutely crazy looking. tons of low hanging very dark clouds
  6. The hooks that formed on that storm from 20 minutes already. my god lol
  7. Yeah the surge and flooding could be bad. The thing that worries me is a ton of people there have never experienced a hurricane in their lives because Bob was 30 years ago. I doubt there's a lot who even know what to do in case of a hurricane right now
  8. geez another tiny line just appeared out of nowhere infront of the huge one. it's already dark here again and might storm. it just appeared within 5-10 minutes and already looks really strong
  9. You need a fast moving hurricane traveling over 20mph to do that lol. since its going to be a slow mover its going to spend too much time over cold water that can't sustain anything super strong. it definitely could be new englands first hurricane in 30 years but not anything like the cat 3's that have struck it if it's slow
  10. I've been watching the skies outside off and on the past hour and the rotation has been absolutely wild
  11. If they are they're probably just burnt from the tornado threat a few weeks ago lol
  12. Kinda crazy to think there hasn't been a land falling hurricane in new england since 1991 lol. I think this is one of the longest lulls in history for there. there's so many who have never experienced a hurricane in their lives. we'll see have to see if it happens but many more are coming aboard with it being a threat including nhc
  13. getting to track a potential tornado threat right over my house and also a potential new england hurricane is exciting. fun times lol oh and also all the crazy rain totals
  14. 6z also showing landfall like 0z. it actually has the pressure in the 960s right before that
  15. Yeah if you google around there's a lot of other places that have studied if there's a link between hurricanes and earthquakes and believe there might be. Haiti is in a prone earthquake area so it might be more sensitive to outside influences like hurricanes
  16. Got some really intense wind here out of nowhere like 40-50mph gusts
  17. Hearing tons of thunder in the distance. Might be a close call if it hits here but seems likely. Looks like there's a stronger line forming ahead of the older one
  18. August 11th is not the peak. We usually still don't even have any named storms until the 2nd half of august. It starts to kick up at the end. Also every single year I see people constantly say the season will be dead because models showed nothing and then weeks later get proven wrong time and time again lol
  19. I wonder if we reach 100 on thursday and friday. seems like the chance might be decent enough
  20. Once the storm started to subside we had lightning right outside the house and then a minute later it was sunny but still thundering like hell. Was interesting to see lol
  21. We had some really impressive gusts here to the point I'm surprised there wasn't a warning or a special weather statement with that. Knocked down a ton of stuff
  22. The past couple nights have been so nice. I wish we had more of these nights in the summer instead of it being too hot. We've just been stuck with warmer than average night time lows so often that it sucks now
  23. Bucks county got hit by a pretty bad tornado it looks like
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