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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. Anyone have any idea what's going on with that potential homebrew tropical system a week from now? I know the gfs has been showing it riding up the coast and potentially having it rain here but I'm wondering how likely that'll be
  2. Yeah definitely. I know Teddy was a threat last year in the area but it transitioned way before impact so it was more of a nonevent. Pretty sure Larry caused a lot more damage. It was blazing at 47mph so it didn't last very long so that probably limited some damage lol
  3. yeah lmao. we got good wind but just a light rain
  4. I was not expecting any storms. It's super windy out right now
  5. Oh right didn't SPC have a 2% tornado prediction for us today? and then 5% farther east
  6. Yeah that just exploded out of nowhere and looks kinda intense
  7. Annular atlantic hurricanes are a rarity compared to the other basins. I think there's only a 1% of all storms ever becoming annular there while in the pacific its closer to 3% Interesting too that this is becoming annular around the same time and the same part of the basin as Isabel did in 2003. That's probably because the waters there aren't super warm since annular canes need 25c-28c water to form
  8. oh boy. are we gonna have another fall where it goes from summer directly to winter? lol
  9. Mornings and days like these just reenergize me for some reason. Especially after coming off such a hot july and august
  10. 45 deaths reported so far in PA/NJ/NY. Horrible :\
  11. Was reading an accuweather article and 45 people died yesterday with more they still have to search for. Crazy That water must have been coming in so fast with so much force that it overwhelmed them and they got trapped in their basements and died.
  12. You saying a strong recurver probably means it's going to end up hitting land somewhere lol
  13. lmao "it's not too big, just a small one it seems like" yeah i believe him now when he said he's never seen a tornado in person
  14. I was complaining how I haven't been able to open the windows much the past month...well now it makes sense. I knew it was hot every night but didn't know it was the 2nd warmest. Thankfully its supposed to be really cool tonight
  15. Apparently the huge tornado in Jersey might have been an EF4. I was reading that it might be the most powerful tornado to ever spawn from a tropical cyclone ever. Also would be NJ's most powerful tornado ever Some of the houses are chopped in half and missing
  16. Yep seeing some potential 4 inch per hour rates according to some. That's insane
  17. Lee was a much longer duration event. We'll probably smash 1 day rainfall records compared to Lee in some areas which is definitely impressive in its own way
  18. This storm has it all. Flash flooding, record setting nonstop rain, tornadoes, 50mph gusts...what are we missing? Snow? lol
  19. Yeah I was kinda doubting it too because it seems like that happened way too quickly for where it's at and a lot of people do post around stuff that happened in previous years just to get more followers/likes etc. It happens a lot when big hurricanes make landfall too
  20. That's crazy. I was talking to my dad how I was surprised some schools didn't get canceled that are in flood prone areas. Stuff like that ends up happening
  21. The biggest bulk of our rain is gonna come later this afternoon/evening where we have a period of a few hours dropping 1-2 inch per hour rates. But it also matters where exactly the heaviest rain sets up so we'll have to see where that happens
  22. I read your message and didn't hear anything then a minute later it started to downpour and it was like oh lmao
  23. The heaviest rain isn't forecast to fall until later this evening after 4 pm or so I believe. Though the cutoff might be more extreme down where you are I think
  24. It's just been a torrential downpour here for a while now. If it's already raining this hard I really don't know how things are gonna look tomorrow morning lol
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