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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. Yeah that storm that formed over Colorado yesterday really threw a wrench in the heat for today lol. Still ungodly humid though regardless but probably gonna have the ac on for the first time tonight since it's only going down to 67
  2. That line looks a lot more potent now that it entered eastern PA. Also seems all the energy behind it is started to fade
  3. Should be fun later. I'm super impressed with that feature that formed over Colorado yesterday and is still well intact even right now over Ohio. That thing was basically what caused it to storm today instead of being sunny
  4. Well this is interesting. Apparently this feature is responsible for us having a squall line going through here tomorrow when it was forecast to be sunny just the other day
  5. We might get very close to breaking the record high in a lot of places for the entire month of May as a whole. Super impressive. Highest I've seen so far is 96 for the forecast which is 1 degree away from the hottest recorded temp in May ever recorded
  6. It's funny how we only had maybe 3 or 4 80+ degree days but it's supposed to be 95 on saturday lol
  7. I literally just put this rooms ac window unit in the other day and rain was coming through the sides slightly. Of course it would. Especially after buying this new computer desk I have near it lol. Heavy rain doesn't seep through unless its blowing directly at it. I have the edges sealed up for the most part but it still finds its way in
  8. Damn that thunder is just going nonstop in the distance
  9. I thought I was hearing things...hearing some good thunder. A storm popped out of nowhere to my west. I thought that line wasn't going to hit me
  10. Same. Never heard of that either. I do know the severe storms are hitting right exactly as schools let out. It only really sucks if you have to walk home like I used to have to lol
  11. It looks like the Enhanced threat got pushed farther west for today
  12. Yeah I wasn't able to see anything either sadly. Around 10 PM I had a perfect view of the moon from inside but then some more storms came by and cover was basically zero
  13. Not sure if any of you are into this but there's a blood moon lunar eclipse tonight. Totality is around midnight. I'm gonna try and take a peek hopefully getting a break in the clouds.
  14. Received a special weather statement with the line west of me. Penny size hail and 50mph gusts
  15. If it wasn't for that storm off the coast we'd probably be part of that heat wave with some record highs Dew point is already 60 here
  16. You guys haven't been the first to mention that either I've noticed. My parents have commented on how windy it's gotten over the years. Makes me wonder if there's an underlying reason for it lol
  17. Was reading on Accuweather about the 1977 Mother's Day snowstorm. I'd never heard of it until now but it sounds really impressive. It was so late that all the plows were already put away for the season and had to be reattached https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/mothers-day-snowstorm-1977-new-england-northeast-us/1179968
  18. Same. Rainy days like this where it just pours all day and night is super relaxing
  19. It's nice being able to hear the crickets and toads at night again. As long as it's not bobcats because those things screaming literally sounds like a person dying lol thankfully I've only ever heard that once randomly in the middle of the night
  20. The line isn't holding as well as I would have hoped but I did just now hear a nice rumble of thunder so there's that
  21. Pretty sure the forecast high for today was supposed to be 69 but it's 76 right now lol
  22. It's amazing how many places are understaffed. We lost so many people over the past 2 years. People like to think it was mainly old people who didn't work but a lot of people in their 20s through their 60s died too. One of my friends died who was 28 and my sisters boyfriend's best friend who was 30 also died from covid. Really sucks but I think people forget that can cause an understaffing issue in our economy. Still though I'd rather go to the park on a cooler day like that than a day where it's 80+ and melting
  23. Sunday is looking nice for warm weather at least. Should have 80's for a lot of us
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