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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. Lost power here 3 times just now. 3rd time it was out for a few minutes. I almost never lose power here and can count the amount of times on one hand. Those storms must have really messed up stuff
  2. It's finally starting to calm down here. That was one of the best storms I've witnessed
  3. lmao the second you said that the wind really picked up here
  4. I recorded some so I can show you guys later Also it just got REALLY windy all of a sudden. I didn't think it was going to kick up after how long its been going on lol
  5. It's been doing this for AT LEAST over an hour. It's absolutely insane. Just nonstop every single second
  6. There's lightning every single second, sometimes even double lightning. It's really nice to watch
  7. This storm is INSANE looking. Goddamn lol some really impressive lightning. I had to go inside because one of the strikes was uncomfortably close to me
  8. Ah makes sense. I couldn't find it for some reason. I'm literally on the border of Perry
  9. Just got a tornado warning on my phone until 9:15 pm but I can't find anymore information on it anywhere. It specifically said Warning and not Watch unless something screwed up but other people I know got the same warning
  10. Damn didn't know the dew point was 70 right now. It's a bit nasty out there lol
  11. That just seems to be the norm for years now. It's actually weird how windy it's been. Especially outside of winter and early spring
  12. So how good is the chance of rain for later tonight? Seeing some showing scattered thunderstorms after midnight
  13. I'm already expecting a miss for my town. We've missed at least 4 or 5 of the last storms that came through here. They either split or fell apart right over me lol
  14. It's always amazing how a 30 degree drop in the dew point can make 80 degrees feel so much better from 80 degrees yesterday lol
  15. These low temps the next 3 nights are gonna feel refreshing. Even gets down to 53 tomorrow night here
  16. Since you're all bringing up temps and averages I completely forgot they updated the average temps once 2020 passed. I was confused seeing the average high for Enola being 88 degrees in July now instead of 86 degrees like it was before. I was kinda shocked that the average went up by 2 degrees just due to it adding in the 10 year data from 2010-2020 and getting rid of the older data it had before. I think it uses a 30 year mean average and then updates at the turn of the decade
  17. It's HOT out there lmao. Definitely feels a bit more humid. Perfect day to start off June lol I'm wondering if anyone gets blasted by any storms today. Later tonight looks a lot more likely
  18. Hope you feel better. I've never heard of Paxlovid but hopefully it keeps the virus to a minimum. I got covid back in January and it sucked. Was probably the 3rd worst sick I've ever been and I'm not even that old
  19. Areal Flood Watch in effect for a few counties. 1 to 2 inches of rain with some training thunderstorms with potentially an excess of 3 inches in some storms.
  20. Well just had another storm pretty much just skip my area west of Harrisburg lmao. It went and formed literally next to my east
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