The last half of May was pretty dry in my neck of the woods. I've been thankful for almost 7" rain over the last 10 days. Still could get some more through tomorrow. That will help get through the upcoming heat wave - provided the rain doesn't completely shut off for a prolonged period of time.
It's been two weeks since it has rained at my house. We've missed all of the stray showers and storms. Hit or mostly miss showers/storms will be around again today and maybe tomorrow before shutting off again until this weekend.
They ought to just stick to the EF-5 description for ratings and if they want to apply super-strict construction engineering criteria, reserve that for a new EF-6 category. That'll cause a stir.
Do we want to rename this thread? Or start a new thread for 2023?
SPC highlighted much of eastern OK, NC TX, and eastern KS in their Day 4 (Friday) Outlook for severe weather will all hazards possible.
I chased the Stephenville, TX supercell - what a beautiful storm. No tornado. I'll get some pictures posted when I get a chance.
*Edit - here's a sneak peak:
If I were chasing today I'd be just south of Lawton, OK and follow storms east on the north side of the Red River. Denton, TX wouldn't be a bad place to start either.