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Everything posted by thunderbird12

  1. In addition to the water plant issues, there have been sporadic power outages across Oklahoma since this morning. I think we peaked at ~10,000 outages across the state, and currently have ~9,000 outages. The infrastructure around here is not designed for this type of extended and bitter cold snap.
  2. Around 3.5" on the ground in south Norman as of 330p. Probably going to bust low unless snow hangs on longer than expected this evening. Don't often see moderate/heavy snow with temps hovering around 5F around here. It's definitely an interesting and memorable event, but the relatively short duration of the moderate/heavy rates has limited our potential for a really big snowfall. Tough to get widespread 6-10 inches out of a relatively disorganized storm like this, no matter how high the SLRs get. I'd love to overperform tonight and get proven wrong, though.
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