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About Coldrain

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  1. Hoping to eek out something for SEVA but it’s a long shot this early in the game. We are most likely to be the ugly middle sister with 35° rain.
  2. Sure did. It waffled back and forth for about and hour and a half between rain, sleet, and snow before it finally stayed snow.
  3. Change over occurred here in Great Bridge/Hickory area of Chesapeake about 40 minutes ago. 32.5° About a half-inch on the ground so far.
  4. I hope not. I can’t take another one like beginning of Dec where we got dumped on with 38° rain while the rest of VA had snow.
  5. Zero in SEVA. That was painful watching the rest of the state of VA, TX, MS, GA get snow and missing out by a few degrees with all that moisture in place. Viewing the snow cover maps was cruel and unusual punishment.
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