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Everything posted by bkviking

  1. BOS +2.0 NYC +2..1 DCA +2.3 ORD +2.5 ATL +3.2 IAH +3.0 DEN +1.2 PHX +0.2 SEA -1.0
  2. DCA +3.1 NYC +2.3 BOS +2.0 ORD -0.9 ATL +3.0 IAH +1.2 DEN -1.0 PHX -0.1 SEA -2.2
  3. Snowman19 has a kind of purpose. To provide verifiable climatic conditions as antipodes to our snow-weenie dreams. He is legit enough to be able to add useful counter-balance to groupthink. Agree or disagree - it is highly useful to have- at least to keep in back of mind. His main contribution is in La Nina thread in main forum but he really does offer at least a counter thought to everyone else. Even if it is warm biased.
  4. DCA -4.0 NYC -2.7 BOS -2.2 ORD -2.4 ATL -4.2 IAH -1.0 DEN +0.9 PHX + 2.2 SEA +3.0
  5. DCA -0.5 NYC. 0.7 BOS. -2.0 ORD +02 ATL +0.5 IAH +2.2 DEN +4.0 PHX +4.0 SEA +3.2 DCA 12” NYC 27” BOS 44” ORD 30” DTW 28 BUF 98” DEN 55” SEA 14” BTV 100" Quote
  6. DCA: + 0.8 NYC: + 0.8 BOS: +0.8 ORD: + 1.0 ATL: + 0.6 IAH: + 1.5 DEN: + 2.5 PHX: + 2.0 SEA: + 1.1
  7. DCA: +1.0NYC: +0.8BOS: +0.8ORD: +0.5ATL: +0.3IAH: +1.0DEN: +1.9PHX: +1.8SEA: +1.8
  8. I cannot get out of Port Jefferson- stuck in bathroom. It is surreal what is happening here. They must be well over a foot of rain. but it is NOT stopping. It keeps regenerating and getting worse.
  9. Blydenburgh Park dam in Smithtown burst. North Shore LI disaster worse than almost anything I can think of.
  10. I am in PJ viillage now and it is looming disaster. Flooding everywhere , cars stuck, hard to believe this is happening again
  11. Very heavy rain in Port Jefferson - again - with multiple cells training over this area again. Unreal.
  12. We are close to perfectly the same - i ended up with 8.28” - sad the destruction over by Avalon park in Stony Brook - absolutely awful for that picturesque and quaint area. Cannot believe Mill Pond totally emptied.
  13. Already got p to 8.08 “ in northern Smithtown - half since midnight. Thank god area is hilly but there will be giant lakes in flood prone spots.
  14. I cannot get out of car past half hour. Just relentless storms and rain. Smithtown NY.
  15. sorry late and missed last month. A lot going on but wanted to get back in DCA: +2.4NYC: +2.8BOS: +2.8ORD: +1.3ATL: +1.5IAH: +2.2DEN: +1.2PHX: +1.7SEA: +1.0
  16. .95” here in Smithtown on North Shore of LI.
  17. Out east of Central Suffolk there has been plenty of rain which was not supposed to maintain itself all day as stationary front was expected to move northwest. Nope. Central Suffolk and east have seen plenty of rain.
  18. Grotesque on LI North Shore. Again, as the theme has been last 7-8 years - extremely high dewpoints are the main issue. 76° by me. Earlier climate models had shown less humidity than previous years. We will see how this works out.
  19. Deluge here in Smithtown. Most welcome. Already up to .30” and the downpour continues
  20. Don, i always follow your daily summations. Just going off memory, we just had a period of smaller positive SOI results but otherwise it seems for weeks the SOI has been a bit more negative than positive and once again past few days we are negative again. Does this indicate a problem with the current La Nina taking off as much as it was expected or more an immaterial statistical anomaly in this short period ? I would normally think we want that index positive in anticipation of an incoming moderate or greater La Niña.
  21. On LI north shore - Smithtown weather station peaked at 89.6° - with dewpoint of 72°. Muggy bur bearable with strong breeze.
  22. DCA: +2.2NYC: +2.3BOS: +1.7ORD: +0.8ATL: +2.0IAH: +3.0DEN: +2.5PHX: +1.8SEA: +1.0
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