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Everything posted by marsman

  1. Up to 3.30". Temp at 76 and dewpoint at 75 - very muggy, the older windows on the house are condensing.
  2. WRAL: 1 fatality in Wilson. 2.97" and counting so far after only .41" yesterday.
  3. Lumber river forecast off the chart:
  4. 75 for a high yesterday with intermittent showers after the first heavy band. Only got 0.55".
  5. Brandon's got a vortex on the ground in N Myrtle Beach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRKjp8Vzoow
  6. Ft. Myers Beach earlier today.
  7. I don't think I've ever seen a 90 degree turn on an NHC forecast map. Anyone?
  8. SC Flood map (FEMA MSC doesn't allow to zoom way out) https://scfloodimpact.com/Index
  9. Even if it tracks further west over GA, I see it stalling for a time around 32-34N or off the SC coast. Lotta rain.
  10. In the July obs threat there was talk about RDU's temperature being higher than what others were reporting. WRAL did a story on it: https://www.wral.com/story/degrees-of-separation-what-s-behind-temperatures-taking-off-at-rdu/21521863/
  11. July wrap up: High of 101.9 on 7/5 Low of 57.8 on 7/2 Precip: 9.44" 4x 100F+ days on 7/5, 7/6, 7/14, and 7/15
  12. TRDU and KRAX showing red on RadarScope. Down for anyone else? RDU looks like it's getting poured on right now.
  13. Up to 8.46" for the month, 7th consecutive day with rain.
  14. Mowed for the first time in 3+ weeks yesterday. .83" over the past three days. Nothing yet so far today. Surprising 5.95" for the month to date, nearly half of that coming from July 6th.
  15. 0.0" yesterday. I'd also be in that .01" spot. There's even a little gray section of less than that.
  16. 96.4 at 5:10pm. Storms in the area creating a breeze.
  17. 1.71" for yesterday. Serious condensation on the house this morning, even on the new windows.
  18. Was a pleasant early morning with temps in the upper 60's! Stayed just below 90 today with a high of 89.6 at 5:40pm.
  19. This weekend's disturbance may already be causing problems east of Raleigh. The line that came through RDU last night stalled to the east, Flood Warnings up from Greenville south to Kinston, no strangers to flooding there.
  20. Going back to my comment about runway construction at RDU, here's a sat photo from 06/08. Compared to the Google Maps satellite photo, there is some significant tree/forest removal going on in the area. The station is circled in red: For what it's worth I recorded 101.9 for a high on 07/05.
  21. I was in Maine for the first week of July so I'm delayed on the monthly wrap-up. I needed a sweater most nights/mornings, but that's all I'll say. June totals: Rain: 1.00", .26" of that was from 6/30. 20 days without rain. High: 100.9 on 06/26 Low: 49.1 on 06/01
  22. The new runway is also going up right where the station is. I wonder if anymore vegetation has been removed or if there is any construction equipment nearby.
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