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Everything posted by marsman

  1. With friends in the Ft. Myers area, my thought on the main Milton thread:
  2. This guy is usually drag racing and doing donuts on his racetrack in Florida. Some aerial shots to show how bad it is and what's required to get supplies to people.
  3. Looking ahead, some of you in the high country may see lows in the upper 30s next week. I'm used to seeing heat advisories after a hurricane. Stay warm.
  4. T for today on the rain gauge. 77.7 at 2pm. I watched the remnant low of that b**** spin eastward over RDU on the radar today and I say be gone.
  5. Thank you for posting. The Mt. Mitchell data is amazing. Was watching their website till it went down early Friday.
  6. 3.58" from Helene - most of which came down today.
  7. NC FIMAN, great bookmark: https://fiman.nc.gov/
  8. The Charlotte area radar gap may (continue to) be a problem. I was in the CLT area last week - coming from the immediate Raleigh area, it was sad to see how the storms appeared on RadarScope.
  9. Even better for the Fort Myers area, nearly nonexistent. If I still lived there, I wouldn't be partying yet.
  10. 1.58" overnight. Ground is saturated, seeing seepage onto roads and parking lots everywhere. Won't take much to bring trees down if we get any significant winds in the area.
  11. Feels like a late July night. Hook shaped cell west of Sanford:
  12. Was caught in the I-85 rain band driving between Raleigh and Charlotte this week. 5.39" for the month so far.
  13. 1.69" total. Light sprinkles coming down now.
  14. 1.26" so far. Nice little spin on radar and satellite off the coast of Topsail, SOBX looks to be getting poured on right now.
  15. Beautiful yard! I have a fescue/zoysia mix, zoysia slowly taking over as planned. I do mulch most of the leaves, but where it piles up to high that's where it gets bagged and picked up by the town. 56.5 this morning at 7:10am. Francine may be a mostly TX/LA issue...but I don't trust any F-named storm and I'm keeping my eye on it.
  16. Filled 4 of those Home Depot/Lowes bags with leaves from two south-facing maples. I'm guessing they shed some leaves due to the heat stress, and the pouring rain helped knock them off.
  17. Good little spin off the coast of Miami. Visible on satellite, appears to be drifting north into a lower shear area.
  18. The capacitor in my Davis station has gone out (again) so I'm without obs till I get a new battery. The outside obs I do have is the maple in the front yard is dropping leaves like it's early October.
  19. 56.5 for a low at 6:50am. Forecast to be cooler tonight. Windows open kinda nights!
  20. After hitting 90 yesterday, 63.9 this morning at 5:40 and airing out the house.
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