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Everything posted by marsman

  1. 40.9 at 5:40am, 71.7 at 12:30pm. Great day for spring work outdoors.
  2. 1.19" from the event. High of 66.3 at 4:50pm.
  3. Low of 28.6 at 7am and high of 66.3 at 4:20pm.
  4. Visible satellite before sundown juuuust shows the snow on the ground:
  5. Still coming down but sun peeking through, melting going on even in elevated, shaded areas. 27F.
  6. Here's to us, RDU area:
  7. Jesus I've heard the term fatties but these are apple bottom jeans fatties.
  8. At 1". Roads getting covered now, sleet mixing in.
  9. Just came from RDU 15 mins ago, where there was more salt than snow on the ground. In downtown Cary now, coming down nice with a dusting. Interesting gradient one exit apart.
  10. 71.1 yesterday at 3:10pm. .42" of rain overnight.
  11. 73.1 at 3:59pm. I am that shorts guy today.
  12. I know there was a WRAL piece on why RDU is sometimes warmer, but I still wonder if the runway construction has at least a minor impact. Since the new runway is going to go right where the station is, anyone know where it's going to be moved? Looking at a recent sat photo (Feb 1) is it still in it's original location?
  13. .59" rain including yesterday and early this morning.
  14. High: 74.3 on Jan 31 Low: 13.2 on Jan 23 Rain: 1.25", .33" of that was on Jan 31
  15. High of 74.3 at 2:37pm. .11" from this rain event so far, rain hole has formed. Another line may come through in a couple hours.
  16. Felt like we hit 70 - station says 68.8 at 2:24pm. Close enough.
  17. Nearly hit 60 with 59.2 at 3:35pm.
  18. 56.4 at 4:02pm. Was in shorts working outside and all was good.
  19. Low of 19.3 at 7:20am, High of 50.6 at 3pm.
  20. Low of 13.2 at 2:40am, high of 37.3 at 3:30pm
  21. ...yeah - I'm headed to DC. This is definitely locked in.
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