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Everything posted by 2001kx

  1. Heavy ice on the tree's on top of Rockton Mtn in Clearfield yesterday. Around 2300' in Elevation.
  2. I'm just referring to this euro run.some others look good..I'm not sure what we have vs normal but I would say so. If I get April snow I hope it's a big one because at that point I'm ready for 50's and sun.
  3. Im running a fine line here in regards to snow vs mix on the models for tues. Hope it pans out for all of us.
  4. Yeah i have had snow on the ground since the big Dec storm. Dont remember that ever happening here.
  5. Been snowing all night and have 1.2" to show for it..The snow is like sand and not really adding up.
  6. The snow maps dont make sense (for my area)..High end amount 1 in 10 chance of 4" here or or 5" expected.
  7. Nice band of wind driven snow rolling through now.
  8. Was close to 5.5" when all was said and done. No clue what my final total is for the storm but i would guess 10-12" A very different but fun storm.
  9. New snow from the last couple hours under that band.
  10. I have picked up a couple inches from this band that is sitting over me....Still snowing.
  11. It has been coming down at a good rate for the last hr or so.
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