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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Good you got up there before snowmelt flooding closed the access road.
  2. Look at the bare spots on the mountain. The ski conditions must have been awful.
  3. Too bad, I was considering skiing there on Easter weekend.
  4. Perhaps Wildcat, Jay Peak and Sugarbush as well depending on how April plays out. Those places aim for an early May closing. Whiteface might also try for May.
  5. That's about normal for them. Closing day is usually early May. They will probably have the most opened terrain in the East on closing weekend.
  6. Oak tree buds starting to swell here, should be leaf out in about 3 weeks.
  7. https://www.sunjournal.com/2019/03/15/boston-investment-firm-offers-to-buy-saddleback/?utm_content=buffer1a40a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  8. Bought tickets for Mount Snow for Wednesday. Should be a bluebird day with firm groomer.
  9. NWS had clear skies forecast for today. It was perfectly clear this morning. Also fairly sunny this afternoon. Wind was always forecast.
  10. I just finished skiing at Gore Mountain with my son. The snow quality was not as good as the conditions at West Mountain. We didn't start the day until 10am as it was 5.8F at 8:00am. Today was supposed to be sunny, but cloud's came in and the wind picked up.
  11. I'm staying overnight here in Saratoga Springs after skiing at West Mountain this afternoon with my son. I've never skied there before and the mountain does an excellent job of grooming. Very slow chairlifts made for cold lift rides. Great groomed packed powder, but very cold for early March. Temperatures around 20F today for a high. We are skiing at Gore Mountain tomorrow.
  12. Moderate snow hear with the occasional roaring of snow falling off the trees. 31.1F.
  13. Temperature at the low here currently for the storm at 31.3F.
  14. Snow accumulation on roads here since midnight. Lots of snow sloughing off the trees here. What's the temperature by you?
  15. 2" here in Enfield and 31.8F. All surfaces now snowcovered.
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