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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. About 30% change here in Enfield with some areas of nice color. Even some of the Oaks are changing color, which is about 3 weeks early.
  2. A new quad is being installed in the glades so snowmaking only took place on upper Rime and upper Superstar.
  3. I'm at Killington right now and the foliage is at peak, but very dark this year. Snowmaking last night on Superstar headwall and upper Rime.
  4. Killington should be pretty tomorrow with peak foliage and snowmaking.
  5. Making snow through tommorow morning.
  6. I'm heading up to Killington on Saturday probably with the rest of the foliage peeping world. Looks like peak on the webcams.
  7. Just saw this on the news. B-17 crash at Bradley. Thoughts and prayers with those lost. https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/world-war-ii-plane-crash-connecticut/index.html
  8. Bits of early Fall color in Somers. It's a grey day and a Fall like 84F.
  9. Predominatly green in my area of Enfield. My Swamp Maple in the backyard in turning yellow/gold. Peak last year was 10/25, so a while yet still to go. With the colder weather forecast for the next 10 days or so, the Fall color should start to emerge.
  10. I m in the CRV and it's green. Maybe 5% changed.
  11. Enfield 10/25/18 and last year wasn't great.
  12. Since we are using Glastonbury as a metric, here is a picture from 10/25.
  13. He wants 90/70 from 6/1 to 9/1 and then expects a colorful Fall.
  14. Just admit and accept that you don't know what you are talking about. You do this every year, it's getting tiresome. Peak here is More than 3 weeks away and the foliage is 99% green.
  15. Thats how it was for my son and I last year at Burke for peak foliage. Just beautiful, but no pictures would be good enough. I'm planning on being at Killington on Saturday. Hopefully still peak after the rain.
  16. NEK today from the VT foliage forum:
  17. There was a delay in footing installation due to unexpected rock blasting. I'm expecting to ride it this season. We will see I guess. They did the installation of the Green Chair during last ski season.
  18. I don't see any reason why It wouldn't.
  19. The new to Magic Mountain quad install is going on schedule and they hope to have it ready by January. I stopped by on Thursday to see what progress has been made. They base and tower footings are in place. The towers are painted and ready to install.
  20. My picture from Magic Mountain on Thursday. Nice foliage color with the new quad going in.
  21. For someone who constantly comments about how bad the foliage conditions are, you don't add any pictures of your own. It's not bad everywhere. You do this year in and year out, it's the same thing with you.
  22. I think it's climate change starting to have a negative effect on the foliage. You guys are escaping some of the late season heat and humidity we had the last few Summer and Fall periods. At least to a lesser degree. Last October the foliage wasn't great until north of I91/I-89.
  23. It looks nice, that area up to Jay has had consistently good foliage color since 2016. Not so much in the rest of Central and Southern New England.
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