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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. I posted this picture of my front yard yesterday to show the pre 10/29/11 snowfall we had. Notice my Bradford Pear in the picture is still green. I shook the snow of it to save it two days later. My Dad's was to large to save that way and it split down the middle. Since 2011 it's grown back from the stump.
  2. Saddleback 4/14/07 A day before closing day and just before the start of the 4/14 - 17 Nor'easter. This remains the most snow I've ever seen in April. Previously I'd seen a few inches of snow here and there, but not feet. Saddleback closed on 4/15/07 with a 60" base.
  3. Different skiing experience here, March was epic in the Catskills, really deep powder. Sugarloaf closed on 4/28 with 100% of the mountain still ski able.
  4. I've skied and seen it snow all 12 months in the Northern Hemisphere. I've seen Summer snow at Arapahoe Basin in June, July snow at Timberline Lodge, August Snowfall at Stubital in Austria and September Snowfall in Iceland.
  5. Extremely late snowfall in May of 1996. Snow on 5/12/96 in New York State and Vermont.
  6. 11/23/89 4" of snow at my parents house in Bayside. I drove to my friends house in Dix Hills for Thanksgiving dinner and right into the storm. Near zero visibility and heavy snow. My car nearly went off the road.
  7. 11/12/87 - snow on my birthday in NYC. Rain and snow 11-12/87.
  8. NYC broke it's snowfall record with that storm. I'd take that Winter again in a heartbeat. Snowfall from November to April. Fantastic skiing nearly all season long. Snowfield skiing at Sugarloaf in January, waist deep powder skiing in March at Plattekill and Bobcat. Sugarloaf closed on 4/29 with top to bottom coverage and no bare spots. Nasty January thaw though.
  9. My second coldest skiing weather. 1/16/09 -24F with the car thermometer in Stratton, Maine. Sugarloaf summit was -35F, skiing with any speed was painful.
  10. This article mentions the 95" of snow at Sugarloaf in 3 weeks. We skied Saddleback on closing day in 2007 and they had 60" at the base. That's a once in a lifetime snow event. I doubt I'll ever see more snow in April ever again. http://checkinwithcharlie.bangordailynews.com/2017/04/14/home/patriots-day-storm-10-years-ago-sunday/
  11. The last snow event was elevation dependant. I recall green grass and no snow OTG in Farmington when we drove home.
  12. Driving up to Saddleback from Sunday River on 4/9/07, deep snow along side the road.
  13. 4/18/07 The day after the Nor'easter ended. Snowcats dug out the Timberline Lift, easily 10-15' snow depths at the summit. Just incredible amounts of snow for late April.
  14. 4/17/07 The day the April 14-17 Nor'easter ended, with 18-24" of snow. Cars were buried in the parking lot.
  15. My notes say these pictures are from 10/16/09, other posters say the snow was on 10/18/09.
  16. Where you around to see Olympia snow woman in Bethel?
  17. Summers as a whole suck even the hot and humid ones.
  18. Can we post pictures of these events? I have pictures of the 10/18/09 snow and the 4/09 Nor'easter. Unfortunately I only have video of the 1/96 blizzard.
  19. I've only been living in Connecticut since 2006, previously I lived in NYC and Suffolk County. Honerable mention has to Hurricane Gloria and Hurricane Bob. Gloria was the most intense hurricane I've seen. I didn't experience Bob directly, but storm chased the extreme damage in Eastern Suffolk County.
  20. It seems like I've been at Sugarloaf, Maine for most of these weather events. 1 January 1998 ice storm. 1" of ice and 6" of sleet at Sugarloaf, with no power loss. Absolute devastation further South with 2 - 4'" of ice. State of emergency, couldn't go home. I've never seen power lines sag all the way to the ground without breaking. Most ice accumulation I've ever seen. Freezing rain for 3 consecutive days . 2 April 2007 Nor'easter, the end of 100" of snow from a series of snow storms since the start of the month. Most snow I've ever seen in April. Stratton Maine was clearing snow with a highway grader. Snow Banks higher than the car along Route 27. 3 December 1989 Coldest skiing I've ever done -37F at Sugarloaf. 4 January 1996 Blizzard. At Sugarloaf skiing, had to come home to Bayside, Queens to dig out my parents house from 25" of snow. Severe cold at Sugarloaf, but snowfield skiing in January, which is very rare. 5 November 12th 2013, snow in Coventry on my Birthday. Honerable mention 10/18/09 2" of snow in Coventry. This remains the earliest snowfall I've seen.
  21. Some trees in my neighborhood are nearly all Summertime green. The Bradford Pear tree in my front yard is 100% green.
  22. It's past peak here in Enfield as well as Broad Brook and Somers. The tree's are about 25% bare. We are starting the transition from Maple foliage to Oak foliage. Some Oaks are 100% turned to Fall color, which is about 5-7 days early. I suspect it will be mostly bare around here by 11/1. South Windsor:
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