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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Where is this? What's the location of this get together?
  2. Ski patrol shack thermometer at the top of Spillway was reading 43F. Also windy at the Summit from a Southerly direction. At one point it was 43F at the Top of Spillway and 17F at the base.
  3. We only lost cable TV service at Sugarloaf. I went snowmobiling to Bigelow Lodge and the rental lady gave me her GSM phone in case I got stuck. Cell service was non existent up there due to tower collapse further South. I remember lots of low hanging branches and almost no room to turn around at the lodge. We couldn't go home due to a state of emergency and a ban on non essential travel. At Sugarloaf it was sleet from West Mountain on down, with boot deep sleet skiing on Windrow and Glancer It was like skiing in sand. Higher up it was rain and above freezing.
  4. Another Winter that deserves mentioning is the Winter of 2000-2001. Killington - Okemo 4/2001: This is the most snow I've seen late season at Killington/Okemo.
  5. Farmington was were we saw the start of the destruction from the ice storm. It was much worse further South in Jay, Livermore and Turner. Many closed roads and detour's. Sugarloaf and Kingfield areas were alot more IP than freezing rain. Sugarloaf remains the largest amount of IP I've ever seen, 6". I might also add this was the coldest freezing rain I've seen. Temperatures at our condo were between 17-25F according to the thermometer at our condo.
  6. Folks that want this don't understand the destruction and it takes forest's many years to recover. Damage to infastructure is $$$$$ It was close in Coventry in 2008, it was a 32.5F cold rain
  7. Farmington, ME looked like that in 1998. 3-5" of ice, three days of freezing rain.
  8. Snow on my Birthday. Last time was in 2013.
  9. NWS has rain until 2am, then snow. Only a 40% chance. I'll take some snowflakes before my birthday.
  10. The Weather Underground forecast for Enfield on 11/8 is 37/21 and 1" of snow.
  11. Snowmaking today on Upper East Fall And Upper Superstar per pictures on Killington Zone and webcams, but not TTB yet. It wouldn't surprise me if Killington only goes after Superstar this week. They'll get fined if snow depths aren't sufficient for the event.
  12. Yes, I miss my bedroom slipper rear entry boots.
  13. With the cold weather later this week, they will try to open Great Northern, Middle Chute and Lower Mouse Run. Probably also Upper Downdraft and Ridge Run. Maybe Upper Bunny Buster , Upper Mouse Run and Chute TTB. With the World Cup and Snowmaking demand for Superstar, they might not expand in this fashion this week. Last year Mount Snow was TTB way before Killington.
  14. I'm digitizing my old photos. If you guys want a laugh, this is Kitzbuhel Austria in April of 1987. It's me, my uncle and my brother. My how fashion and skis have changed.
  15. It's snowing at Killington also right now per the webcams.
  16. Formerly from NYC and Lake Grove. I moved to N. Connecticut partially to be closer to skiing regions.
  17. Didn't say you couldn't, just strange and it's not like our snow fall is similar.
  18. Not that I mind, but why is someone from NYC posting in the New England forums?
  19. The snow was so deep , that the snowcat digging out Spillway broke a track and got stuck on 4/17. Just an amazing week of skiing the week before, just feet of snow.
  20. Lots of snow that Winter, snow from November into May. I lived in Queens, NY at that time. NYC broke it's snowfall record that season. I have video of the aftermath of the 1/96 blizzard. I've got to transfer it to digital and post it on YouTube.
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