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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Mohawk Mountain has changed to snow from rain earlier today. https://www.mohawkmtn.com/the-mountain/webcam/
  2. Heavy rain here and 37.4F. 1.22" so far. It was mixed with sleet until 2am.
  3. Light rain/sleet mix here in Enfield 36F.
  4. NWS had backside snowfall here in Enfield, now it's just ending as rain.
  5. Maybe less stressful for you without constant trolling. Maybe take a break from the forum.
  6. I forget which storm it was year's ago, when DIT claimed cars would be blown off roads.
  7. Cars blown off roads while traveling to Thanksgiving dinner.
  8. Revisiting this thread on Thanksgiving day should be good for lots of lols.
  9. That's what I'm having for dinner on Thanksgiving.
  10. Utility poles snapped in half. Power out for weeks.
  11. Rangely Lakes Snowmobile Club webcam of a frozen Aziscohos Lake. That's got to be very unusual for November.
  12. Record cold and record early season ski area openings in SNE. Just awful.
  13. For the CT folks, Mohawk Mountain is opening on Saturday. One TTB run and Nutmeg. $30 lift tickets for skiing from 8:30 - 4:00. Not all that common for a November opening at Mohawk.
  14. Moderate rain here and 35.7F. Snowing in the Hudson Valley.
  15. Adolphus Greeley was using the FV3 and didn't forecast the 1888 Blizzard properly.
  16. Especially here in Connecticut Death Valley, where precipitation comes to die.
  17. I'll keep you informed of any stray snowflakes I see at 4am.
  18. Light rain and drizzle here overnight, but with the temperature around 34F.
  19. Solid overcast here, no blue sky at all. 34.7F.
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